General East Lansing Development



  • Development-related, anyway - "EL considers special tax to foster public art". A sort of strange tax though - 1% of the total cost of a new development will go toward public art.
  • edited August 2014
    It's actually not all that strange. There is a debate in Lansing over whether to do this, too. Apparently, this is not exactly rare across the country, though, different communities direct fund art different ways.
  • It doesn't sound like a bad idea, but I hope the money can also be used to buy and/or improve the parks and plazas that the art will go in. In Lansing at least, they should really create better spaces for art before they go spending too much money on the art itself.
  • Actually, I had exactly the same reaction hood. Most of the time, I would probably rather they spend 1% more to make the building appealing architecturally (which is its own kind of art), rather than on specific art purchases. Obviously much harder (pretty much impossible) to write that kind of ordinance.
  • I'd agree with that also, but I was more talking about new parks and plazas, along with improving existing parks. There's no point in putting a sculpture in the middle of grass field in a little used park. You have to do other landscaping, build paths and create reasons for people to visit the park which includes, but is not limited to art. I hope that any ordinance like this allows the money to be used for those things in addition to art, or maybe provide some matching funds for the park infrastructure.
  • I mean, that kind of stuff would surely need a seperate park's millage. I'm not sure I agree with linking public art and parks since all public art isn't in parks. I think we definitely need to invest more in parks (particularly those municipal parks not connected to the River Trail); in fact, that's been one of my greatest concerns of the Bernero administration, and one city service I've personally seen suffer. In fact, if given an either/or choice between a parks millage or an arts millage, it wouldn't even be competition for me.

    But, an arts tax/millage is something apart from park improvements.
  • Maybe this was already brought up, but does anyone know what is being built in the out-lot at the Lake Lansing Meijer store? It's in the southeast corner of the property. I thought it might be a bank building, but didn't catch a sign, anywhere. That said, it looked like a larger site than your typical out-lout building at a big box store.
  • I know that Meijer has been trying to get a Meijer gas station in that spot for the longest time, but has faced considerable backlash from residents of the nearby neighborhoods. Perhaps I missed the announcement? I think any type of retail was fought by the neighborhoods. I looked but couldn't find anything on the City of East Lansing website.
  • I've noticed the fencing and containers, but I assumed they were working on the Meijer or getting ready to. Have you seen if they're actually building something there?
  • The containers are for the renovations to the interior of Meijer. I've been out of town for a while, but when I left (2 weeks ago), they were remodeling the entire store. I'll check it out after work tomorrow and see if it's anything beyond renovations.
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