General East Lansing Development



  • We're a bit more mature around here than a comment like that. Rise to the level, MJ.
  • I know you're mature, that's why you should be able to tell when I'm ranting. Didn't mean to offend anyone :)
  • Still stand behind the content of my comment though. If you have differing opinion I'd be happy to hear. Sometimes I like to present a more extreme take on something to elicit responses. I know that it's hard to gauge tone in online forums so sometimes this backfires and works against my very goal. Just know that I change my mind and opinions all the time and certainly do not want to intimidate or offend.

    Not entirely sure what you're responding to in my comment above?
  • Lastly, calling someone else immature does not seem in line with the maturity you speak of on here.
  • "Not entirely sure what you're responding to in my comment above? "

    "Costco sucks. Never been to one but I know it sucks."
  • Hmmm. Okay, let me try to explain myself better --

    "Costco sucks."
    This is me being angsty, callous, and (admittedly) immature. It is my gut reaction to Costco and is indeed how I feel.

    "Never been to one but I know it sucks."
    This is me discrediting myself and continuing the 4th grade tone so that no one takes me too seriously in this part.

    "It does seem to be a destination...."
    This is me turning around and sharing a thoughtful stance on the location of Costco in this region.

    My comment may have been a little complex/weird/flippant, whatever. I'm entitled to be as critical of Costco as I want - it is just a 'thing' - and I refuse to apologize to Costco :) I would never directly try to insult an actual person in this same way, so I do not appreciate being called immature. I don't think anyone on here would. (Plus I get it enough from my mom).

    I've been thinking critically about cities/built environment for 25-years. I've been working directly in this field for 15-years. This is my hometown and I care a lot about this stuff. I know that you all do too and I appreciate the forum.
  • @ MichMatters While I don't agree with MJ''s initial comment, your reply didn't help. I think everyone can agree that we all want more people to actively participate here and taking that kind of tone doesn't help that cause.

    @MJ I've never been to Costco but (taking aside the big box store/large corporation aspect) I've heard anecdotally and through Consumers Reports that Costco is among the best stores to shop at. Also, in many of Consumers Reports tests their store brand products are rated highly and often cheaper than the other options. I've always noticed that and kinda wanted a Costco here. I'm just saying objectively, they're a good place, nothing like Wal-Mart at all.
  • Thanks Hood. I've heard good things about Costco too. I just generally dislike big-box stores. But they are a reality and people love them so maybe it's foolish to try to fight that fight.

    In this instance, I'm afraid they will directly compete with Fresh Thyme and Whole Foods - stores that have intentionally located on public transit lines and within walking/biking distance of population centers. To me this is a great trend and I'd like to see these kind of businesses succeed here.
  • My two cents:

    Regarding the Costco comments. It's perfectly fine to have an option and state them. You should; that's what this forum is about. I'd be very interested to hear why Costco is not a good thing. Or maybe it's a concern with all big-box stores. Can't tell. But saying something sucks, never been there but I know it does, without clarifying why seems somewhat unproductive (for lack of a better word). I entirely agree Costco is a destination, perhaps similar to the Apple Store or Whole Foods. I may not like one of them, but it may be good for the region as a whole. I think that's MJ's point. Apologies if i misinterpreted.

    Hood's comments regarding participating on the forum I think are spot on. I've often felt this site is great, I enjoy reading it, but most comments are by the the same 3 or 4 people - the "experts". Admittedly, I contribute here less in recent months due to the reasons hood states. I don't mean that is a whine. I certainly don't expect anyone to agree 100% with what I say, but if I get perhaps a harsh reaction to what I contribute or read others getting chastised, then folks will probably be less apt to contribute.
  • edited May 2016
    Thanks MJ, I didn't see your last post before I typed. "I just generally dislike big-box stores...In this instance, I'm afraid they will" I think those are great comments and help clarify your thoughts on Costco.
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