General Lansing Development



  • I hate the facade 'renovation' they did on Kellys, I had thought that was only a temporary thing. I did see that sign a few a days ago though. As always with these new bars, I'm glad to see the bar district continue to expand, although I'm not to sure about a western themed place.
  • Different strokes for different folks. It's great we have a diverse city center bar scene.
  • Lansing's Crego park, closed for contamination in '86, may reopen

    I would love to see this park reopened, my parents had talked about it being closed years ago. I was always curious what was back there.
  • I've also been crazy curious about this park, myself. The City Pulse did an article on it years back, I believe. Imagine what you could do with 189 acres and a lake, no less. I've always been surprised this area of the city wasn't marketed by the Parks department, more, and as a single entity. You've got Fenner and Potter and Shubel and Scott Woods and Hawk Island, and then the cemeteries and Sycamore golf course. I can't think of any other city our size in the state that has that much inteconnected parkland within its city limits and all along a natural creek, no less. It's like a giant nature preserve in the heart of an urban area.

    BTW, nearly connected to all of this is Bear Lake Natural Area just north of the Dunckel interchange. Does anyone know from where this area is accessible? I've never even seen any picture of the preserve.
  • I had never heard of Bear Lake Natural Area, but I'm looking at a satellite view and it looks like theres a trail leading into the woods behind Bingham School at the end of Wabash St. I'd actually like to check that out some time.
  • The City Pulse is reporting that the owner of the Temple Building in Old Town has actually secured a full-service restaurant for the building. Earlier, he'd proposed turning it into an office building.
  • Thats good to hear. I can't find the article online, did you see it in the print edition?
  • Hood, the school at the end of Wabash is actually the Beekman Center. From what I've seen their trails through the woods are for horseback riding. It's also the area HQ for the Special Olympics.

    I don't think that the Bear Lake area is open to the public. I think it's owned by MSU. I'm pretty sure that there is an entrance on the curve of Cavanaugh just north of Aurelius. I know that Hospice of Lansing backs up to the area as well.
  • Yeah, I meant Beekman. I didn't think about horseback riding though, that makes sense. Looking closer at the area, is Bear Lake the remnants of a gravel pit? I remember there being one in that area, but I haven't been back there in over 10 years.
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