General Lansing Development



  • edited August 2010
    Weird. I don't ever think that I've seen a midday update of this type not make it into the paper as promised.

    Anyway, the paper reported yesterday that the yellow cab property in the 200 block of Cedar between Kzoo and Michigan is being demolished by the city to expand the adjacent city surface lot. It'll add 80 extra spots. The city will buy the property for $350,000 taken from the city's parking fund.

    The city announced just a few weeks ago that the plans to demolish BoarsHead Theater on the other side of the river for a city surface parking lot are still on.
  • There's an article this week in the City Pulse about the Ingham County Land Bank. They discuss some of the ideas for the School for the Blind property and they sound pretty neat.
    The New Tycoon

    The restaurant in the City Market is open, apparently they are already looking at adding a second floor but there's no stated timeline.
    New 700 Sq Ft Waterfront Bar and Grille Opens at the Lansing City Market
  • Neogen made Fortunes 100 fatest growing companies list along with 5 other Michigan companies: Fast-growing Neogen makes Fortune magazine list

    The other Michigan companies on the list are: Perrigo (Allegan), ITC Holdings (Novi), Credit Acceptance (Southfield), Vlassis Communications (Livonia).
  • Well it looks like the Ice Skating rink isn't too likely to happen. The LSJ is reporting today of a new sculpture to be placed at what looks like the site of the ice rink. The sculpture is being purchased using private funds and will cost about $275,000. The sculpture should be about 20 feet in height.

  • edited September 2010
    This wouldn't be on the site of the ice rink. The ice rink would be right behind where the picture was taken from. I'm assuming this is the result of the sculpture contest earlier this year.

    Here is a story on the sculpture from City Pulse: The road to ´Inspiration´

    Also, Potter Park is continuing to open new exhibits: New Eurasian Eagle-Owl Habitat and Exhibit Opens at Potter Park Zoo
  • I think that the new sculpture actually increases the possibility of the ice rink being built. OK- maybe it doesn't 'increase the possibility,' but it does point to an increased probability. The city/ committee wouldn't put this sculpture somewhere they didn't think it will be seen. The City Market, this sculpture, the playground area, and whatever moves into the new Ballpark North and Marketplace developments will bring more foot traffic to this section of the river trail. The ice rink would be a major draw, too. This area of the trail seems to be a focal point for development, and I think that's great.

    Also, the rendering of the sculpture in the City Pulse and LSJ doesn't place the sculpture between the City Market and the Lansing Center, which is where the LSJ article asserts it will be. The rendering places it just north of the City Market (which is where the ice rink was tentatively slated to be). Anyway- the rink and sculpture would be a nice combination, and that stretch of the RT will portray Lansing as a vibrant and fun place to be (assuming it all comes together).

    I'm off to have a beer on the City Market's patio.
  • Call me crazy, but that sculpture looks remarkably like the "Jesus Fish."
  • I thought the same thing. I'm wondering what it's going to look like from different angles.
  • Just small bit of news...

    I was browsing commercial real estate listings and it seems that they are proposing to add 10,200 sq ft of retail space onto the first floor of One Michigan Ave. They don't have any renderings or details, but this would be a great step towards making North Washington more retail-friendly.

    CBRE - One Michigan Ave
  • edited October 2010
    That's really interesting. It seems that they've found out with the construction of Troppos that they can essentially turn the property to more mixed usage. They are having a tough time leasing office space, though. I see their ad in the business section every week. I believe the first floor office/retail space at the north end (the space across from the PNC bank branch) of the building has been empty for quite some time.

    BTW, do you happen to know the current Class A vacancy rate is for downtown? I know you keep up with this stuff. Man, if banks would just start lending, again, local developers could do so much. Their stinginess in lending has been the major obstacle to restarting some of these stalled big-ticket projects.
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