General Lansing Development



  • I really doubt that the MSP headquarters will be the announcement, that project is still in limbo, whatever the project the announcement is has been relatively solid for some time now. As for the Deluxe, I don't think Cooley dorms would fit well, but i wouldn't complain if they were put there. I really don't know what would be good for the site.
  • edited January 2007
    Yeah, the annoucement won't be the MSP, for sure. That City Pulse article almost read like a total "he said/she said" gossip column. There was barely any sources for the reporting, and it was more speculation than anything else. To say the least, I wasn't impressed with the quality of the "article" that almost read as commentary or an editorial of someone wishing this would happen. The only good things I learned are that the old obstruction for this project are now gone from term limits or loss their elections at home.

    BTW, there was a short blurb on the Delux Inn today in the LSJ reporting that the City has halted it's shuttering of the hotel. They didn't give anything else, but this says only one thing, and that's that the motel isn't going to remain as it is. The mayor made it quite clear that the thing couldn't continue to operate as the current business, so this must mean the city has reached some kind of understanding with the owner either to sell the business, or perhaps an agreement that the owner is going to redevelop the site or property.
  • Thats the same impression I got (about the Deluxe), I hope we can see the site redeveloped into some thing decent soon.
  • Pattengill opens for students on Tuesday. The LSJ is running an article about it, and at the end they talk of demolishing the old Pattengill. There is also a video tour of the new Pattengill. The video is kind of dark and doesn't show much though.

    Also there is an article about the Deluxe Inn saying that the city will allow them to stay open and the Deluxe Inn will hire a security consultant.

    Deluxe Inn

    Pattengill Opens Up
  • edited January 2007
    The Deluxe Inn blurb was a little surprising, but still unclear. I can't imagine as hard as Bernero has been pushing the close down on the Deluxe Inn that simply demanding the guy hire a security consultant is as far as he wants to go. I think there is much more to this story than the News knowns, and that the two parties want to reveal.

    There has to be some way for the school district to save Patengill. It's the only historic middle school the city has.
  • I watched the City Council meeting, and was really surprised at the number of people that came out in support of the Deluxe Inn. That place is a dump, I can't understand why anyone wants it there. Of course, the meetings bring out all kinds of crazies. I often wonder how much of the "regulars" talk just gets ignored while the council sits up there. I know I tune out a lot of the time when they get going. It'd be an interesting (but scary) exercise to let Pollard and his crew run the city for a little while and see if they gain any respect or perspective on what they put those people through.
  • edited January 2007
    Watching council TV can be depressing, to say the least. What gets me is that Lansing is a particularly well-ran city, especially considering all of the external problems it deals with. And, the fact that the our city's council is just part time with the council members receiving around $20,000 leaves little room for corruption. I can't think of any one council person that is particularly and generally malicious and mean-spirited in how they do their job, which is why it confused me to no end how you have the amount of regular gadflies the Lansing City Council does. I hardly agree with everything they do, though, I think the council has had a particularly good track record over the past 10 years or so. We could definitely be doing far worse than we are. Seriously, if an outsider came and watched our council TV they'd swear Lansing had gone totally to hell, and was at risk of disappearing altogether.

    I've always thought it would be great if someone formed a positive contingent of citizens that could be present regularly or semi-regularly to combat some of the crap that goes on in that room. The reason the regulars gadflies are regulars to begin with is because they know they can get away saying almost anything without impunity. I'm not talking about sending down to cheer city council on, but definitely more people with more objective views asking tough questions, but without the nasty attitudes people feel they have to put on to address the council because it's 'cool' to be a contrarian.
  • People who like the way things are going don't care enough to go down and speak about it, often they don't have the time to go down there every week either.
  • I'm not talking about those that like things the way they are, but people with legitimate concerns and legitimate criticism. Again, I'm not looking for their to be a groupy section, down there, for the Lansing City Council, but legitimately concerned citizens who are able to ask tough questions and make known their concerns without getting personal. The "regulars" revert the meeting to the level and decorum of a high school student council meeting with cliques and everything. I'll make it down there, one day.
  • Scott Gillespie has is adding more lofts to downtown Lansing

    The article says that he bought the building located at 329-337 S. Washington Sq. He will leave the retail on the first floor and convert the second floor from office to lofts. Construction should start later this month.

    I believe this is directly across from Cooley. Is that right? The more lofts the better. If Lansing wants to be sustainable, they will need many places for people to live downtown, and then hopefully more businesses will stay open later.
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