General Lansing Development



  • @gbinlansing I'm not a subscriber, did the article mention anything about the Lake Trust project? I'm still not sure how serious their proposal was there, I don't even remember if it jumped through all the necessary hoops with the city or not yet.
  • I was thinking perhaps when they named Mt. Hope it seemed to be very much a "mount" while getting a horse and wagon up and over it there. I also thought the highest point was up Cedar Street near the Athena Dinner, I am going to take a drive to Northrup I can't even picture a hill there.
    Yes the developer of The Louie said they were happy to lease out the top two floors before the building is completely renovated, and that bodes well for the rest of the building.
    While not a huge project it is interesting to see the QD at Pennsylvania and Kalamazoo is being renovated. They replaced the QD gas pumps with Mobil pumps and signage [ there is still QD on the signs]and they were working on the building as well. Now if they would just wash the sidewalks once in a while I would be impressed!
  • @hood, there was no mention of the Lake Trust project in the article.
  • edited December 2020
    @gbdinlansing The terrain at Northrup is rolling, so not as prominent as Mt Hope. I bike that stretch of the trail quite a bit.
    Here's the topos for both Mt Hope and Northrup. The closer that lines are together, the steeper the terrain.
  • edited December 2020
    • The Lansing Shuffleboard & Social Club project plan and lease were approved by the City Council last night for the old City Market building. Improvements include finally adding the second-floor mezzanine that was always an option when the City Market occupied the barn.
    • A building permit was issued a two weeks ago for the building at the NE corner of Shiawassee and Cedar owned by the Gillespie Group. Though there is no information on what's going in on the building's page. I've seen them working on it for a few weeks.
    • Looks like the Form Based Code - among other things - will hit the city council for a vote at the December 14 council meeting, the last meeting of the year. **fingers crossed**
  • Thanks for the great maps I find such things very interesting. I have an 800ft+ bluff on my land up north on the far bank of the stream that passes through behind the cabin. Standing on the top the ridge cabin looks like it is "way down there" so I know 890ft is impressive for Mid-Michigan. It is hard to tell but I guess that whole part of town is on a higher plateau away from the rivers and central Lansing.
    That is a pretty fancy bank branch Lake Trust built, the metallic surfaces really look nice reflecting the sun, but I'm not sure I want to start a relationship just yet.
    It will be interesting to see what this shuffleboard club is all about. I hope the other attractions the food court[?] and a bar will attract a lot of people who may not be interested in shuffleboard. I honestly hope it is a great success, but right now that feels kind of hard to imagine for me.
  • I'd seen some of the other QD's had switched over to Mobil gas (Charlotte and Jolly/Dunckel). I found a link on their webpage talking about the switchover. Looks like 7 locations have switched so far. I don't know why they are switching though.
  • At their December 1 meeting, the Committee on Development & Planning refused to send the Form-Based Code forward to the council on December 14 to further "research and ask questions" at their next meeting the day after at the next D&P meeting. They say it will go to council, instead, on January 11 for consideration. This is almost three years to the day that this got to the same part of the process before it was shelved for years. God, I hope they keep their word. I'm getting tired of council trolling this issue. It's an unambiguous improvement over the current code, and that the same councillors keep asking the same silly questions they already know the answer to is concerning.
  • Where can you find the questions the councillors keep asking?
  • In the council draft minutes. The previous meeting's minutes are always attached to the current meeting agendas. It's like this is a new idea or unpleasant surprise every time it's brought up to them. The city has been working to get this done since 2012 when we last updated the masterplan. Councilwoman Wood - who has promised this will be her last term - didn't have unreasonable questions, but she's been on council since 2000. Admittedly, at least a good half of the council was elected the month before this hit the council at the end of 2017, but none of them seem to have any questions or concerns. It's constantly Councilmembers Wood an Spitzley - both elected before the last time this was nearly passed in 2017 - who seem to have kind of concern-trolling questions about the plan.

    Anyway, I'm still pretty confident they actually take this up and vote on it at their January 11 meeting, but this could have been voted on this coming Monday.
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