I guess we know how that all worked out. Sanity prevailing is now my modist hope!
I took a closer look at the circle of red boulders in front of the new student center, and I believe this is an outdoor fire pit. Which will be cool if they actually have a fire in there. I am thinking of EL's and Rotary Park fireplaces with no fires. I may be wrong [ maybe they light it up more these days, but I have never seen a fire] about downtown but EL's fireplace was not on all last winter.
Also, I been happy to see there has been only one "tagging" of the new Farm Lane bridge which happened the first weekend the students were back, it was covered right away. For some old fashion reason, I find tagging public property so dumb really. I can understand graffiti art, if well done as it were! I know young people may look at it all differently, I always say so go paint your own damn wall! sorry grand pa rant, I don't like mistreating library books either!
The new "I-M" going up on Harrison is quite the impressive building, the exterior facades and glass works are going up and it looks like it will be a nice looking very modern and interesting building. It resembles the "1855" building on Kalamazoo in design, the arena steel framing structure can be seen on the south side of the building. MSU builds when they say we are going to build, not in three years and nine months from now like most Lansing Projects.
I'm hoping I'll be back in town some time this summer. I'm looking forward to swinging through and checking everything out on my way to the Dairy Store for some ice cream.
thanks for posting the pics, I think the new MSU buildings are attractive contemporary and fit into the campus landscape. I have enjoyed watching their progress.
The new windows are being installed at the MSU Museum, and Campbell Hall. The windows are architecturally correct muti-paned glass that seems to be a little wavy like old glass. [ I could be wrong about that] Anyway they look great. They are also putting the inside finishing touches on the interior of the new International Student Center which also looks really nice. I hope we will continue to have international students for whom this building was built. Over on the Union's lawn they erected some sort of communication or perhaps emergency siren tower, it is rather tall and ugly, with five large white disks on the top. I am sure there must be some good reason to put it in such a prominent place, but it does look out place. The Red Cedar is frozen solid above the falls, and people are waking down the center, like we used to do back in the '70's, the students have also cleared a couple of ice rinks on the ponds behind Brody.
A large crane is at the south end of Spartan Stadium for the dismantling of the 11-year-old! score board which seemed to work pretty well to me but is ancient in terms of technology. I guess. I am hoping to able to watch the game on the new jumbo scoreboard from our community deck as I wonder how much more will the new score board will do!
Crews are also installing green shaded lamps to illuminate several buildings for the observance of the anniversary of the terrible events of February 13, 2023. Since then, I have seen so many interviews around the world where the local says "I can't believe this could happen here" which is something I still can't believe happened across the street from my building. I have seen a lot of crazy things since I returned to my hometown that I never thought could happen here. I still do really love living here!
The Feb. 13 Permanent Memorial Committee, made up of students, faculty, staff and community members, narrowed down the plans for the memorial to three artist-submitted designs and two campus locations: Sleepy Hollow between Beaumont Tower and the Music Practice Building and the Old Horticulture Garden located near the Student Services Building. The university has been calling for community input through a survey available through March 31.
I took a closer look at the circle of red boulders in front of the new student center, and I believe this is an outdoor fire pit. Which will be cool if they actually have a fire in there. I am thinking of EL's and Rotary Park fireplaces with no fires. I may be wrong [ maybe they light it up more these days, but I have never seen a fire] about downtown but EL's fireplace was not on all last winter.
Also, I been happy to see there has been only one "tagging" of the new Farm Lane bridge which happened the first weekend the students were back, it was covered right away. For some old fashion reason, I find tagging public property so dumb really. I can understand graffiti art, if well done as it were! I know young people may look at it all differently, I always say so go paint your own damn wall! sorry grand pa rant, I don't like mistreating library books either!
Multicultural Center is more or less complete:
A big hole in the ground for the new Plant and Environmental Science Building:
The new IM replacement is coming along:
Crews are also installing green shaded lamps to illuminate several buildings for the observance of the anniversary of the terrible events of February 13, 2023. Since then, I have seen so many interviews around the world where the local says "I can't believe this could happen here" which is something I still can't believe happened across the street from my building. I have seen a lot of crazy things since I returned to my hometown that I never thought could happen here. I still do really love living here!
MSU launches most ambitious comprehensive fundraising campaign to date University’s $4 billion “Uncommon Will, Far Better World” campaign to activate talent, catalyze synergies, build futures
Rounding out the multibillion-dollar campaign is a focus on creating places and spaces that address the needs of students today while preparing them for the opportunities not yet imagined. The ambition Futures Built will catalyze this effort through strategic support for capital projects and new programs.
The Feb. 13 Permanent Memorial Committee, made up of students, faculty, staff and community members, narrowed down the plans for the memorial to three artist-submitted designs and two campus locations: Sleepy Hollow between Beaumont Tower and the Music Practice Building and the Old Horticulture Garden located near the Student Services Building. The university has been calling for community input through a survey available through March 31.