MSU Development

Please post your thoughts about MSU's Campus Master Plan here.

The site can be viewed at


  • It says that Abram's Planetarium and Morrill Hall may be demolished.
  • As I looked further at the documents, it says that another transportation center will be in the place of Abram's Planetarium. Do you think this will just be another bus station, or could it possibly be for a light rail system?
  • Where did you find that at? I can't seem to find any real detailed info on the site.

    I heard some rumors about MSU investigating "alternative transportation" as an option, but it was just that, a rumor. I'm not even sure of the source, but if MSU were to invest in light rail it would jumpstart the region to move towards some light rail.
  • I found that information by looking at the images of the updated master plan which can be found here:
  • The Chemistry Building addition is making good progress. They now have the first floor cement support beams in place, and should continue through the winter.
  • Can you get any pics of the construction out at MSU, chemistry building and anything else?
  • Yeah, I'll try and take some pictures this weekend then.
  • I think the idea of building a new Kresge Art Museum along Grand river would be great, I can't wait until they have more details and renderings of the project!
  • edited December 2006
    So, does this mean Museum Place is done for, now?

    I'm kind of disappointed they couldn't have torn down the Student Services Building, instead. And, I'm really not so sure about the location. It seems kind of out of the way. I like the idea of a new museum, too, but I'm not so sure about this particular proposal.
  • I don't think this will affect the Museum Place, but I'm not sure. I know the Museum Place had a backup plan in case MSU couldn't move across the street, but I am also not sure if this is only Kresge Art Museum or if it also will contain the MSU Museum, which are currently two different buildings.
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