MSU Development



  • Oh wow, sorry. I just looked back and somehow glanced over that project in the original post. My apologies. I'd been focused on the child development lab, with it being in Lansing, and must've just honed in on that.
  • No worries!
  • LSJ has a story on the projects from the most recent board agenda, not really much additional information but worth a look:
  • I would say the red brick looks like many of the buildings built in the '60s like Erickson Hall, with some modern touches. It's OK. I wonder about the ornate Academic Gothic designs of the central campus and what they would cost in today's dollars, vs. how much they cost when they were built. For instance, how much was spent on design and "fancy stonework" etc. against how much is being spent today on design and the materials used.
    The old Ag. Hall has been painted around the corneous[top] of the building, looks great!

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