Website Updates



  • edited May 2024
    I got a warning from the website hosting company that the bandwidth for the month is over the limit. It's at 104% of capacity right now. If it gets to 125% they will take the site offline for the rest of the month. I think we will need to stop hosting images on the server as that is likely the main contributor to the bandwidth usage. When I get the time I'll look to see what the largest contributors to the bandwidth usage are and see if I can reduce the filesize on them first.
  • Just curious, when does the window reset? This doesn't include images linked from outside websites, does it?

    I just checked my image-heavy development rundown thread and found only three images hosted here, I'll get those switched over to Flickr. Lmk if any of my threads need changes.
  • It resets on the 2nd, so we should be good for this month but it really started to tick up a couple months ago. I spent a couple hours looking through the forum this morning to see if there was any recent posts that might have been the cause but couldn't find anything definitive. I think it's a mix of a poorly engineered web crawler/scraper, spam accounts, and some image heavy posts. Images hosted on other sites don't count towards bandwidth.
  • Ok, good to know. I'll continue using outside image hosting.

    As always, thanks a ton for keeping this place running
  • @Jared @MichMatters (and anyone else interested) Any objections to sticky-ing all (or at least some) of the following threads? We're already in a spot where the second page has threads last commented on three years ago so I don't think we'd be losing out on a lot. I'm not sure if making this many threads stickied will clutter things up too much but I think having these long running catch-all threads more easily accessible would be good.

    MSU Development
    Okemos & Haslett
    General Westside/Delta Township/Eaton County Development
    Delhi/Holt/Mason Development
    Lansing Area News & Discussion
    Off Topic

    That'd take up just 9 of the 21 spots on the first page with sticky's.
  • I don't mind, though, I'm still having the issue where the stickies aren't really working. It's showing me the threads are stickied, but if anyone else replies to a non-sticked thread, they replace it in the page order.
  • edited September 2024
    Interesting, sticky's have always worked as expected for me.

    I'm going to go ahead and sticky the aforementioned threads.

    EDIT: I don't know if I like it but I don't like those threads getting buried either. I'll keep it this way for awhile and see how it works.
  • edited September 2024
    I'm looking at it, now, and it is a bit much. lol I didn't realize it was going to look quite that crowded.

    Actually, it looks like only the Lansing and East Lansing threads are currently not working for me. The others are staying stickied. Perhaps unsticking them and re-sticking them might help?
  • Yeah, your guess is as good as mine as to why they might not be acting like normal stickies. I think the approach to unsticky and then re-stickying sounds good. I'm fine with making them stickied to see how it feels.
  • I just unstickied and restickied the EL and Lansing threads.

    Maybe doing a stickied table of contents-style thread linking to all the suburban development and neighborhood threads would be a better option? Possibly still leave the Off Topic or News threads stickied individually? I'll have some time to mess with it later today or tomorrow evening.
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