Streets & Transit



  • Has anyone heard anything or have any thoughts on if CATA will revive the BRT plan now that we have a public transit friendly administration looking to invest a ton of money into infrastructure?
  • I think that is a good idea to bring up again. Perhaps if the feds were paying for most of any transit project like a BRT or light-rail system the folks in Okemos would not oppose such a project. They are building that new town center out there, it would be great if non-auto transit was included in the new development.
  • I took a look at the Aurelius Road project and was a bit surprised to find it is more of a rebuilding project rather than just repaving. There were some very large cranes on the bridge so some heavy work is being done. That will be nice to drive that way when it is finished. I took the local exit to see if the Holmes School project had begun. To get there I had to drive over some of the worst pavement in Lansing [which is saying something!] and the street seems to be sinking right in front of the school. The project has started, they were replacing the doors and windows in the old building, with no new building started as of yet.
  • edited August 2021
    Yes, Aurelius is a total road and bridge reconstruction.

    Looks like the drain project work on Clippert is done, but now Homer seems to be closed off right near where the northbound US-127 ramp meets the street. Work is still being done in the parking lot on Vine of the Better Health grocer, but the street itself is fully open. There is also some work being done IN the Frandor parking lot; I'll try and find out exactly what it was.
  • I am wrong in thinking that Frandor's parking lots are going to be renovated for better drainage? It seems to be a patchwork of repaving small areas being done right now, and they are using regular asphalt by the looks, nothing like permeable paving as of yet.
  • Well, the main pipes run under the east side of the parking lot, so I've figured there would be some construction within Frandor, but I don't really know.
  • Yep, definitely part of the sewer project. Was by there today and noticed deep digging in the Frandor parking lot with some interceptor sewer components. I do remember now that part of the project was to rebuild the drain under the parking lot as the pipes are too small and in bad repair.
  • I remember reading about a fountain "wall" with faces of local people spouting water, and other features like a floral clock. It will be very cool to see when [if] those features are installed.
  • At one point part of the plan was to build rain gardens in Frandor's parking lot, I'm not sure if that stayed part of the plan. I'm in the same boat of being very interested to see what all this looks like when it's done.
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