General Lansing Development



  • I always appreciate hearing about little things also. I always liked the furthest south building on that block of Hosmer, I think it could make for a cool space.

    @Jared Does this forum software have a "like" function at all? I always found that function useful on forums.
  • Yes, across and just up the street to the north, one building in from the corner. Right now it is the only one that has ugly vinyl I think the brick building on the corner would make a great spot for a restaurant, there would be a skyline view from the back.
  • The northwest corner of Kalamazoo and Hosmer is vacant, which is why I was a bit confused about what you meant. The one building in from the corner on Hosmer (Industrial Pattern of Lansing, Inc.) doesn't have any projects listed for it, but the attached buildings to the north do.
  • Sorry, I meant to say it is the second building in the row of buildings which I believe is 324 S. Hosmer to the north of the first brick building and the surface lot at the corner.
  • I looked to see if the forum software supports "likes" and the closest I could find was a plugin that was created for the forum software but it hasn't been updated in over a year so I'm hesitant to add it. I do wish there was something like that built in.
  • edited March 2020
    The Lansing Economic Area Partnership is reporting that the brownfield for the Michigan Realtors HQ proposal on Durant Park was approved at Monday night's council meeting. All I can find on the agenda is that a public hearing was scheduled, but with the coronavirus going around, perhaps they truncated the process and held the public hearing and approval all at once.
  • I like this design, even if it is just basically a box. If the exterior of the upper floors is a stone or masonry tile treatment not some sort of composite paneling I will like it a lot more. It does fit in well with the other low-rise office buildings in that area.
  • @Jared Thanks for looking into that, sucks it doesn't have anything built in.

    @gbinlansing I agree on the design, and it really doesn't take more than a box with good quality windows and authentic facade materials to make a nice building. If this building ends up looking like it did in the photorealistic renderings then it should be a really nice little building.
  • It took a bit longer than East Lansing, but Lansing City Council is shutting down meetings and committees until at least April 13.
  • I figured they would and sure enough, they are blocking up the windows on the new MJ grow house at Hosmer and Hazel. I do not know if all the windows will be covered or just the first floor but I fear that this building will end up looking like the storage warehouse up the street, a big wall of bricked-up windows. I did like the idea of creating a courtyard of container apartments inside the building and the idea of people living there, and this sort destroys an example of an early 20th-century factory building that would have looked pretty good with all new windows landscaping and full of human activity. They are just growing weed in there I don't know why it has to be like Fort Knox.
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