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  • I figured that had to exist already, just hadn't had the time to check. Thanks!
  • Wow, you really put some thought into that Mao, city wide! Definitely a lot I hadn't thought of on there. I think there are a decent amount of these that are already historic sites, but it would be interesting to go over a map of those with what y…
  • Completely agree. I would have to agree, also, that this would be in danger. I don't think many realize what was there before all the addiitons. While not some masterpiece, it's still interesting and significant for the area. There has been reus…
  • I think Sexton and portions of the Westside should be historic districts but that's quite a task. At the very least, Sexton should be a historic site. I don't worry as much since there aren't any eager buyers nextdoor, and the district appears to …
  • With the horrible loss of Eastern and the way Sparrow went about it (neglecting the building beyond repair and constantly making up lies to get a cleared building site) it made me wonder. What buildings in the City of Lansing do others think should…
  • I guess it's about time we find a good challenger. I feel like there hasn't been a good mayoral choice in a long time...
  • They actively discriminate and force religion over well being. I have some major issues with them. This is a personal stance though. Holy Cross, I'm also not a fan of. Religion and homelessness should not be mixed. When their "mission" is to fo…
  • Yeah. I'm with you. I'm done with him at this point. This looks like suburban office parks I've worked on (not proud of them lol). A Comcast call center comes to mind. You're absolutely right. He sees it as a service center, not a communit…
  • Not sure if anyone saw this yet...also disappointing. We're really on a roll here with erasing local history. Just another reason I have problems with "The Mission". Wish we could rid them from this city. Given, the interior sounds ruined al…
  • "The design is final"...this is so discouraging. I don't see where the $40 million is going. This design is suburban shit. I wasn't so upset when I believed this couldn't be a final design... https://www.lansingcitypulse.com/stories/form-and…
  • @hood, you make some really good points about this facility. I didn't hate the options proposed, but I think you're right. I will say, while that area is industrial, and this doesn't seem out of place (wasn't there already an inflatable building o…
  • Yeah, I wonder if they could've done design build with a contractor...seems like the stupid route they would try. I am confused how this is a $40 million building, especially when previously mentioned, I thought the city had a budget and then the s…
  • Yeah...this is a huge disappointment. I have to say, if they wanted to go the classical route, AM Stern would be an amazing architect to go with. I've always loved their work. I'd be curious how/why they chose Krieger Klatt. Are they cheap? Doe…
  • I'm sure everyone's already seen, but they've started demolition. Must've gotten their permit with no fight from the city... https://www.wlns.com/news/demolition-of-old-eastern-high-school-in-lansing-begins/amp/
  • I'm sensing it will be years, if decades, before Sparrow builds on any of these sites they've been leveling. It's so disheartening and disappointing. All people can do in the future is vote and try to get some better leadership in this city. I ca…
  • Completely agree! That's my hope as well.
  • While the building is now on the register, it doesn't mean it's protected from demolition. I think the plus here, as mentioned by MichMatters, is opening it up for incentives and grants. For this to be protected, it would have to be designated a h…
  • I'm generally not in favor of structures over the road. I was thrilled to see the portion of the parking deck over Grand go years ago. However, I'm not completely opposed in this situation. I know I've said it before, and I know I'm the odd one o…
  • I'm pretty optimistic about the update you posted. Hoping to see some changes, though I expect them to happen over time. Thanks for that update!
  • Yeah...I saw that too. I couldn't believe that's where they're thinking. What the hell good is that going to do?!