New BWL power plant
*edit* Project Webcam - REO Town Plant webcam
As this is a large project and it seems fairly likely to happen, I decided to go ahead and start a new thread.

BWL Announces Plans For New Power Plant - WILX
BWL plans $182M power plant in REO Town - LSJ
When I first heard of this project I was a bit worried about how it would look in REO Town, but I'm pretty happy with the rendering that WILX has shown. I think that this will be a good thing for that area.
As this is a large project and it seems fairly likely to happen, I decided to go ahead and start a new thread.
BWL Announces Plans For New Power Plant - WILX
BWL plans $182M power plant in REO Town - LSJ
When I first heard of this project I was a bit worried about how it would look in REO Town, but I'm pretty happy with the rendering that WILX has shown. I think that this will be a good thing for that area.
More important to me in all of this is the reuse of the old GTW Depot which I was almost sure would be eventually demolished since it has sat vacant for so long.
All-in-all, as far as the impact on the neighborhood, to have such a high density of employment back on the avenue will be a game-changer for a ReoTown that has been struggling despite some reinvestment for years.
Again, a huge surprise. This now has me wondering what else BWL will build to replace the rest of Eckert when they have to shut down the entire operation? Hopefully, they keep reinvesting right here in the heart of the city where appropriate.
I wouldn't be too concerned about the neighborhood seeing as how they've had to live in the direct shadow of Eckert and GM's LCA and LGR and before that REO. In fact, on a windy day the paint fumes blowing in from LGR can be absolutely stiffling for REOTown and Moores Park, and the incidences of asthma around Ekert have been higher than average for years. In fact, Ekert was required to clean up it's act in the early 80's and did so by adding the +600' chimneys to disperse more widely their emissions.
Needless to say, this will be a huge improvement for the surrounding neighborhood that's literally already a few blocks from Ekert anyway. Though I do hope the BWL continues to consider more and more renewable options.
I am interested to see what they plan to do to replace the rest of Eckert's units, and when they have to do that by.
I'm curious if property values are more adversely affected when a nuclear plant is built when compared to a coal plant.