I'm not exactly sure why it's not shown in this rendering, but the berm in front of the redone Marathon at Saginaw and Abbot won't be touched, because MDOT actually owns the triangle-shaped piece of land at the corner. There will also be a screening wall built against the back of the berm to obstruct even more visibility of the station from the intersection, which I was surprised the company agreed to. lol I guess they really appreciated the ability to hide the gas stationf from view, which, yes, is a rarity.
I believe when they the original reason for this was in case they ever wanted to put in an extra turn lane or simply to keep the corner clear of visual obstructions.
Anyway, the city council conditioned approval on planting 6 more trees on the actual gas station property, and removing an entrance/exit from Saginaw.
thanks for the information. As service/mini-market station it is not as bad as it could be, and will be an improvement over the decaying but cool old building.
I believe when they the original reason for this was in case they ever wanted to put in an extra turn lane or simply to keep the corner clear of visual obstructions.
Anyway, the city council conditioned approval on planting 6 more trees on the actual gas station property, and removing an entrance/exit from Saginaw.