General Lansing Development



  • edited May 2015
    The Moores River Drive project on May 5th:


    They say that later this month or in early June they'll be planting wetlands along the bank.

    Also, an old flood map from 1947. I'm interested to see where those two "islands" in or near Urbandale are, exactly. One looks like it's at Kalamazoo and Francis. The other looks like just east of Prospect, maybe where the freeway is or where Kircher Park in Frandor is.

  • edited May 2015
    A new project announced for the Story Olds site: New development planned for Michigan Ave

    Michigan Avenue corridor gets major addition


    It will be nine floors, 667k sq ft and have 359 apartments along with commercial space. It says it will break ground this fall.

    Should this get its own thread?
  • Wow, huge project! Yeah, we should probably start new threads more often. I resized the picture in your post so that it fits on my screen (and probably others better ;) ).
  • edited May 2015
    If I'm going to be honest, this seems grossly out of proportion to the area. This would be huge for downtown Lansing where you've got Constitution Hall at just over 500,000 square feet, and it feels absolutely massive. This is just so much bigger than anything currently in the area. This is REALLY going to boost the need to speed up and start building the BRT line, because traffic is going to be ridiculous. I mean, I'm glad to see this stuff, but perhaps it would have made more sense to split this up and spread it across Michigan Avenue in that area. At 667,000 square feet, that could have been a literal skyscraper in downtown Lansing.
  • BRT? Man I'm still trying to get a crosswalk put on Michigan Avenue somewhere between Harrison and Clippert! That development would be huge (quite literally). Wonder if I would be able to see it from my house...
  • edited May 2015
    You're aware the BRT is well into the planning stages, right? In fact, the planning part of the project are nearly complete. This isn't some pie-in-the-sky dream, anymore. Maybe I'm reading your post wrong. lol
  • No, I am aware of the BRT. The pessimistic side of me is still hoping it happens - actually I see now that they updated the blog without much funfare a month ago.
  • The optimistic side, you mean? I'm so confused. lol
  • Oh dear. The optimistic side of me would KNOW it is going to happen because by golly that's the plan and look at all this work they've already done, of course it will happen. The pessimistic side merely hopes.
  • Jared moved this project to its own thread btw, and on a side note I agree that we should be making more individual threads to make it easier to sort through discussions.

    To reply to MichMatters though, I do agree that this is grossly out of proportion with the area, but it won't be for long. I've said for awhile that I believe the Frandor area will become its own downtown, it looks to me like it may even rival East Lansing's downtown at some point. The Red Cedar development is already known to have at least one relatively tall building in the Hilton, and in the City's imaginative renderings of the area they showed 12 or 14 floor buildings where Sears and Staples are. The City plans serious growth here. I would love to see this in downtown Lansing as much as any of us, but this is student housing and MSU students haven't shown any interest in living in downtown Lansing as far as I know. But I guess that's one thing BRT could change also, and light rail, as wasteful as it is, could change more.
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