General Lansing Development



  • The article may mention this, but the GOP, indeed, finally for the first time got the Capitol a steady funding source with the creation of the Michigan State Capitol Commission in 2013. It's one of the few uncontroverisal things the legislature has done since 2010. Before 2013, the Legislative Council Facilities Agency (which is what the Michigan State Capitol commission replaced) had to beg every year for money for the Capitol grounds, which meant that there was rarely any money for it. Now, a portion of tobacco tax revenue is directly dedicated to the refurbishment of the capitol. For the first time in a long time they have more security, they opened back up for Saturday tours, and then you have all of these renovations and special additions.

    The next big project is finding money for the underground visitor's center they want to put out back which will replace the legislature leadership parking lot behind Capitol.
  • It was my understanding at the time that the new visitors center would be financed by taking out bonds which would be paid back through the Capitol's new maintenance budget. I'm just speculating, but I'd guess the reason the project was postponed was in order to do some of the other maintenance work first, once that's wrapped up I'd guess the visitors center will be back on the table.
  • From what I remember, the visitors center was put on hold because of the controversy around the Michigan Strategic Fund which was supposed to fund it. The fund was also supposed to be funding the Capitol View reconstruction, but the project became highly politically charged, and it's my understanding that it spooked the legislature from moving forward on any project that has to do with a property literally so close to home for them. I suspect we won't be hearing anything about it until after the general election this year depending on what happens.
  • It will be nice to have the surface lot removed, and maybe then the law makers will get some exercise when they have to walk a bit further to get to their car. I have read that exercise helps brain function}. The plans for the visitor center could less bunker like if they do ever build the center.
  • Regarding the visitors center funding, the Michigan strategic fund is involved in taking out the bonds but they will be paid for through the tobacco tax funded Capitol facilities budget. I'd think that fact bodes well for the future of this project.

    From LSJ 12/30/2014 - $88M Capitol Welcome Center announced
    The work can be funded now thanks to a new, $3 million annual budget established this year for Capitol renovations and upkeep. Before the law setting aside a portion of tobacco tax revenue was passed this summer, upkeep depended on the yearly whim of legislators.

    With a yearly budget set, the commission can seek bonds through the Michigan Strategic Fund to be repaid with tobacco taxes, said John Truscott, a Lansing public relations executive and member of the commission.
  • I was wondering about the "under the bridge project" on Michigan Ave by Frandor. Spring 2016 has passed and I have seen no action there.
  • There's a sign up next to the "under the bridge" project but I didn't slow down today to read what it says. It may have been there for a while now.
  • Hmm, I will try to take a look tomorrow.
  • Sign says "Under the Bridge. By Summer 2016: Lighting and Murals".
  • Great, at least it seems like it is still going to happen.

    Yesterday while driving by the Capitol I noticed they installed the new replica street lamps in front on Capitol Ave. at Michigan Ave. Wow they are so cool, I don't think I have ever seen street lamps like this before. They will diffidently catch people's eye and I am sure will be in many photos. I really love how they are renovating and restoring the Capitol Building, to me it shows we can still do things properly and beautifully if we choose.
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