General Lansing Development



  • I noticed the signs are similar to the one at St. Joe and S. Washington depicting buildings that are not there. I wonder about that project[St Joe] it was talked about a while back but I never saw anything but the sign.

  • We'll have to wait to see reports on the meeting, but the special land use permit for the Prudden Motor Wheels site was up tonight. It seems like they are waiting for the approval of the SLU permit to release public plans about this project. All we know so far is that it could be up to 10 stories and 522 units. Hopefully, the developers become a bit less secretive about this.

    In other council news, the brownfield plans for the redvelopment of the Belen buildings on Ionia and the old church at 221 West Saginaw were approved/adopted.

  • edited June 2017

    Looks like Gillespie has branched out into Old Town. He bought the Unicorn Tavern, but unlike a lot of things he's done, it sounds like he's not going to dramatically change its focus, which is a good thing. He will be making over the entire front exterior, though.

  • And Froggy will still play often, and the Unicorn will live on!

  • I missed the whole discussion on parks but suffice to say that I agree with the premise that parks are very important to the city and that they have been neglected. I also tend to agree that there's really no excuse for the lack of basic maintenance and cleanliness at many of the parks, I also find it sad that the parks have been almost totally lacking in capital improvements. All the parks should be decently maintained and clean, some parks such as Moores, Adado, Reutter and Francis should be meticulously maintained and should be looked at for major investments.

  • I visited Frances Park yesterday and the park was looking very nice with many roses in bloom. They still have they traditional plantings around the picnic pavilion which look very nice. There was a sign at the woodland trail that stated the trail is going to be improved with funds from Ingham County parks and trails money. The street in front of the park is still a mess, maybe we should call it Moorse River Trail then the county might pave the "trail" for us. While at Moorse Park the floodgate construction is over, but the river below the damn was very low for some reason. Is there work going on up stream? I think they could paint the boards on the pavilion green so it might not stand out so much.

  • Yes, they are doing work on the North Lansing Dam.

  • I don't know, it looks like the remodel of Unicorn Tavern is aimed at turning it into a hipster bar. Looks like Zoobie's Pt. 2. I'm neutral about the change, though I suppose a change of some sort was inevitable. I think the average clientele is going to end up being completely different, skewed towards millennials.

  • When you name a place a "dive bar" it usually stops being a "dive bar". Hipsters are among the folks who are in the lead into neighborhoods like Old Town. So yes this brings about changes, but I don't think anyone wishes for the good old days in North Lansing. I do understand that feeling of when something changes, but I would think that the new owner wants to make money. Maybe the current clientele won't mind a fresh coat of paint.

  • Unicorn was pretty bland. Gillespie says he plans on keeping live music and cheap drinks. I think it's a net gain for the neighborhood.

    Moving to the south side, there's a forum this evening to discuss some place making initiative on Holmes/Pleasant Grove that I plan to attend;

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