General Lansing Development



  • Already filled mine out. I mainly want individual meters at spaces, bike racks/parking and maybe 15min+ free parking. The detailed questions were worded as if they wanted input on more than just parking.

    I also suggested parking ramps in the Stadium District, consolidating surface parking into ramps wherever possible, completing the west bank Rivertrail and creating a trail access point at Washington in REO town.
  • Nothing development-wise in next week's city council agenda, and still notably missing votes on New Visions Lansing. Kind of wondering what's going on.
  • edited September 2023
    Reading the upcoming zoning board of appeals packet, and someone wants to develop a suburban-styled single-story 4,000 sq ft marijuana dispensary with a drive-thru at the northwest corner of Larch & Saginaw. They want a setback of nearly 91 feet from Larch & nearly 48 feet from Saginaw where a 5-foot build-to line is required. They are requesting also a variance to the corner-massing requirement for this zoning district and the number of parking spaces allowed in the front yard.

    Look, I don't get why we bothered to change the zoning code if all we're going to do is keep developing like we were under the previous one. I get Saginaw and Larch are state truck routes, but what's the point? And, fortunately, the planning office seems to agree. They are recommending a denial for these variances for this important corner.

    All that said, the city should be on MDOT 24/7 about the set-up of these roads through Lansing. They've been mentioning it in passing since I've been alive, but there has never been a formal and strong push to force MDOT's hand. This is literally the northeast corner of downtown, but the layout forces developers to feel they have to develop properties like this as if they are on a M-road on the fringe of Mason.
  • I missed a few things but MichMatters, you may want to reach out to LEDC about any OPRA/NEZ questions since they are helping out. I only know what I've read from SoM FAQ infosheets. They are going to condominiumize the remaining building for residential so it's the same process they have done for motor wheel. They also mentioned they will apply for NEZ for the Saginaw-Pennsylvania-May project, so it just must be the better incentive.

    The subdivision regulations thing should be in front of council soon - it hit an internal delay, but I'm hoping soon since it is holding up a potential project.

    Planning Commission didn't reach quorum so there was no discussion about the sale of Lot 1. Not sure if it will be rescheduled or just wait until October 3rd.

    The parking survey (mainly the part including the stadium district) and the provisioning center BZA application just reinforces some recent comments about this area. Higher-ups need to be on Greg Losch - MDOT university region engineer with literally every single piece of discussion about this area. The BZA application was updated to include a rendering that meets the code. They still need to go through Planning Commission and City Council to approve the use of a drive-through in DT-2. This site could could host a revolutionary development, but instead more marijuana is proposed with Pure Roots and Pure Options a stone's throw away.
  • I am legitimately amazed that the best thing people can think of for this corner is another weed shop. It is one of, if not the highest traffic intersection in all of Lansing and with all the additional residential being built nearby could have a real winner of a development as an alternative. It could have been an opportunity to build some mixed use ground level shops with apartments on the higher floors and to start spreading into that area of the corridor. Long term I can't see how a 4th marijuana shop in a quarter mile radius survives once the market starts to mature and shops fold/consolidate. Seems short sighted.
  • I wouldn't want to see any variances granted for anything resembling what's proposed. If they want to build it completely within current zoning requirements than so be it but the city shouldn't be doing anything to make it easier.
  • The subdivision regulations thing should be in front of council soon - it hit an internal delay, but I'm hoping soon since it is holding up a potential project.

    Ooo, looking forward to seeing what this is.

    Have you heard anything about Tower on Grand or the rest of New Vision Lansing?

    Finally, it sounds like Planning had absolutely nothing good to say about Larch-Saginaw. My guess is that the provisioning center likely doesn't get recommendations. I feel like this sends them back to the drawing boards, maybe forces them to consider another use for the site. What seems clear to me is that they are at least unlikely to get the variances, which is a big first step in upholding our new-ish code.
  • Not a major item, but I noticed the Radisson is now a Double Tree. Based on their website, it looks like they'll be renovating the entire thing, or have. The website had renderings or the new look. Did anyone know of this? Caught me off guard but I'd like to think its a better option than the Radisson was.
  • They announced this years ago, but apparently I hadn't caught it in the news. I didn't find out until earlier this summer when a relative stayed there. They were almost done with the renovation then, so it must be completed - or very near to on some of the amenities. Stuff like the gym and restaurant were not done when I visited then.
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