General Lansing Development



  • The city announced that they are going to renovate the Masonic Temple for a new City Hall. I really like this plan.
  • edited September 2023
    BZA denied all variance requests for the 709 N Larch site.

    I haven't been privy to any New Vision Lansing discussions but I believe they were made aware they need planning commission review and council permission for the parking ramp 'skywalk'.
  • That is good, two huge pot shops on the same block, was a very bad idea.
    I think a better plan would be for the developer to build their outdoor amities over the Grand Ave ramp overlooking the river and the city lease a few floors to them for private parking. Here at the Newman Lofts the parking is not included, the management pays half of the monthly fee to reserve the floors, and we pay the rest in our monthly rent. I really do not get the point of a Skywalk to the "old Michigan Theater" arcade, [I don't know what they call it now], wouldn't it be great if they rebuilt the theater there instead.
  • Unfortunately the city does not not control to fate of the South Grand Ramp since they sold it to the developers of the never-built Capitol Club Tower with no contingencies to get the property back should the project go belly up. I have no idea if Gentilozzi has purchased, attempted to purchase or would even want to purchase that ramp, its value is mostly in the land and it's probably not going to be a cheap demo.
  • Citykid, between the (east of Prudden) Motor Wheels neighborhood project and what's left in the factory, do you know how many units total this will be? We know the neighborhood project is over 200 (phased in). I saw that the council approved the change to the NEZ in a public notice in the City Pulse, so it got me thinking about this, again.
  • I was told Prudden Wheel would have 138-140 units. Their website says 134. I wish they had better information out because I don't really have anything, sorry.

    I didn't see it mentioned but DLI released their Market Analysis. Apparently DT can support 1000+ new units/year for the next five years, while Old Town and REO Town could do ~200 each. We're discussing if there are any targeted zoning changes to be made to support this. DT-1 is the biggest limiting factor, regulations-wise.
    They included two demonstration sites, one at the Granger property at Michigan and Grand. I know DLI really wants to put the pressure on to make something happen on the heels of the Gentilozzi announcement.
  • Didn't know that Hepler's website had this project up. I'll go take a look.

    I feel like the down districts are mostly fine. There is more than enough room in DT-3 to make things happen. DT-1 is only along the fringes, anyway, and I'm not sure if we need Tower-on-Grand type stuff in either of the two smaller nodes. I wouldn't mind seeing it eliminated, but I'm kind of ambivalent; if it'd mean a fight it's not one I think is worth having for how little it'd change things.

    Granger has been sitting on the Walter Neller Building for as long as I've been alive. lol At this point, they are just speculators and squatters on that property; I wish they'd just sell it. They tried not that long ago to tear it down for a parking lot, but the city was finally smart enough to say enough-is-enough to that. I'm not even sure if the FBC would allow such a demolition by right.
  • So...for the Granger site...I have close experience with Granger Development. They are very aware of that property and have always had big plans for it. Nothing has ever become public, to my knowledge. Their biggest hold up is that they want to pay as little as possible out of pocket for the project. I can't say much more, but wanted to share that. I'm happy to share more details in a message. Gary Granger isn't the best developer, and I don't have high hopes though.

    I agree though, I'm sick of that site just being a decrepit parking lot. It's steady income for them though.
  • edited September 2023
    He needs to do what Ferguson did on Red Cedar and what Gentilozzi is doing with New Vision. You'd think he'd have been reaching out over these many, many, many years the Walter Neller property and adjoining parking lot has been vacant. He certainly has the local connections. But, again, what's probably best for the city would be for him to sell these proprties. But with New Vision developing right next door and making this land even more valuable, I don't have much hope for him doing anything, because he obviously doesn't have any vision or a clear self-awarness about his limitations as a developer.
  • 100% agree! I'm no longer involved with them, but keep hoping something will come of it. I wish instead he'd sell it as well so there's a better chance of redevelopment. Like I said, he's not the best developer. Hoping New Vision is a reality check for him.
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