General Lansing Development



  • I heard it's on hold, possibly dead, which sorta sucks. But more than likely Old Town will still end up with some nice new construction within a few years.

    Also, A large "Project Funded by Bank of America" sign is in front of the old YMCA building, I'm guessing an announcement is coming soon.
  • I thought I'd post my own photo of the Cedar Street School I took a few years back. I can't wait to see it (and the former Temple Club) up and running again. In fact, that entire block of Grand River needs a complete overhaul.


    Hey, has anyone seen MotorWheels Lofts' new signage on Saginaw? I have to be honest, I'm not a big fan, at all. It looks kind of tacky. Perhaps, they should have put it somewhere on the corner of the roof.
  • Did Gene Townsend (developer of Printers Row) go out of business? I asked because his Odeena Development website is down, and we heard that the plans for his Kalamazoo Gateway are on hold. It seems as if he just disappeared.
  • I sure hope not, but I never remember there being a working Odeena site.
  • There was a website. It was very sparse and never updated, but I can't even find it in a general search. I had to search very hard for an old link, and that one didn't even work, anymore.
  • Odeena isn't the company Townsend is using on the Ottawa property or Kzoo Gateway. My understanding is Odeena was a partnership, and that partnership (which did Printer's Row) isn't doing the other projects.

    And given the national economic downturn, housing market situation and credit crunch (which makes financing more expensive and more difficult for developers and homeowners), it doesn't surprise me to see any project slowed down.
  • I know that Odeena wasn't doing Kazoo or Butler/Ottawa, but that doesn't explain why the site is down.
  • I'm reading the council agenda for April 7th, and there is something on it about a considering a Brownfield Redevelopment Plan for something called the "North Pointe Project". It doesn't give any detail or even an address. Has anyone hear of "North Pointe"?

    Also, 1605-1619 East Michigan Avenue will be granted an OPRA (Obsolte Property Rehabilitation Act) certificate. I forgot what exactly they are doing down this way. This is at Michigan Avenue at Ramsey/Allen around Ressurection School on the southside of the block, I think.

    Aslo, a developer is having rezoned 2.53 acres on Valencia Boulevard (in a very suburban southwest Lansing location) off of Martin Luther King Boulevard for the construction of 10 single-family homes, which is appropriate for the area.
  • North Point is a two floor project in Frandor, I beleive I posted a rendering before, I'll try to find it. It's on the east end of Saginaw in Frandor, just west of Walgreens where the North Point office building is now.

    It's really nothing special, but it will contribute to the transformation of Frandor into a higher quality retail area. I see some residential/retail mixed use projects in the future for Frandore, anywhere from 2-3, possibly 4 floors. I really hope that coul happen.
  • Ok, I do remember, and I know which building you're talking about.
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