General Lansing Development



  • edited June 2008
    Yeah, the problem is that the lands south of Michigan slope steadily down to the Red Cedar flood plain, and you've got the above-grade 496 holding in any water that collects in this 'new' basin down that way. It's an ironic and unintended consquence. I've seen pictures of the flood, but still can't imagine it. The most famous picture, it seems, is a picture of an intersection where all you can see are roof tops, a boat, and a street sign.

    BTW, Council voted to purchase the Boars Head theater property. Bob was on WILX saying that they are shooting for a mixed-use ramp at the sight; first floor commercial/retail. I hope that whomever they end up deciding to let develop it that they'd also let them purchase the air rights for possible office or residential space atop it.
  • Found these photos of the mini-flood in May of 2004 taken around the Potter Park area. It shows how the Fayette/Beulah could flood if a real flood happened.

    Looking at Fayette/Beulah intersection


    Looking across at Potter Park


    Lindbergh Drive at Shubel Avenue across from Potter Park


    MSU Baseball complex

  • edited July 2008
    So, I finally went to see the new part of the River Trail; the south extension. Not having any idea where it was I ended up getting off the current River Trail at Aurelius Road near Mount Hope forgetting there are no sidewalks on either side of Aurelius until you get down to about Cavanaugh, though there are some thin bike lanes. I finally found it just south of Hawk Island Park. I thought they'd brought it much further north. Anyway, the part that is done is excellent and very much fits into the existing trail with the materials used.

    A pond along Sycamore Creek just south of Cavanaugh Street.






    Bus Depot near the end of the last bridge before you hit Jolly and Aurelius

  • Just FYI, DBI is going to be rehabbing their building at 912 E Michigan. They have a rendering in the EDC's window, and the building permit was listed in todays LSJ, the most significant change is that there will be windows on the third floor.
  • Cool! I was wondering why DBI had a Kincaid sign out front. If you could get a picture of the sign, that would be great.

    Speaking of signs, Intrigue has a rendering of the new City Market at their REO Town office.
  • I love River Trail south too, I can't wait until they're all connected.
  • I'm not sure but it looks like they are adding some River Trail access off Aurelius Rd near Potter Park and the river. I'm not positive though.
  • Yes, they are adding an access on the west side of the street. I noticed it the other day, but it wasn't yet dry. At least, I think that's why it was still roped off. The west access will turn back west and follow behind the tree farm and and cemetery office. I think they then plan to take it through the Sycamore Driving Range (former Sycamore Golf Course), and finally through Hawk Island where it will connect with the current trail.
  • I already have a picture of it, it doesn't look great through the glass. It's on a work computer so I'll have to post it tomorrow.
  • Not really sure why it is roped off because the asphalt is really smooth and there were plenty of people that were going around the fence last time I went by there.
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