General Lansing Development



  • I still can't understand for the life of me why the people in that neighborhood would prefer a factory to condos and new houses. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
  • edited September 2008
    Yeah, just heard that S & S Die Company are moving in. They are currently on River Street in the industrial area near Riverpoint Park. How many jobs is this bringing? That's one reason to be happy about it.
  • Yeah it's great that a company is expanding and all. I just wish they could have gotten rid of that particular factory, it's in the middle of a neighborhood, directly next door to an elementary school.
  • edited October 2008
    Looks like the city got the grant money to begin demolishing homes in the 100-year flood plan:
    City Gets Grand To Demolish Homes

    The city of Lansing has received a $1.36 million federal grant to acquire and demolish up to 28 homes located in the city's most flood-prone areas along the Red Cedar and Grand rivers.

    Under the Federal Emergency Management Agency program, homes will be purchased from owners on a voluntary basis; these homeowners may also be eligible for down payment assistance or rehabilitation expenses on another home.

    "The goal is to move people out of harm's way," Mayor Virg Bernero said in a released statement.

    The targeted properties are located along Magnolia, Hayford, Foster and Francis avenues in the Urbandale neighborhood on the city's east side and along Beulah and Fayette streets near the Red Cedar River about three-quarters of a mile upstream from the Grand.

    FEMA will pay 75 percent of the total project costs, with the remaining 25 percent covered by the city and the Ingham County Land Bank, which has donated nine vacant parcels in the effort.
  • Looks like The Corner Bar & Grill (former 505 Club) is almost ready to open. I saw they had the big screen t.v.'s going, this evening, and people were inside setting up. It looks like it's going to be a great comfy, neighborhood spot. The awnings are also neat. They are the most water-resistant thing I've ever seen. The rain was just rolling of them like some alien technology. lol
  • edited October 2008

    Dental Association Plans Headquarters in Meridian Township

    How in the world, given who we have in the administration right now, could let this slip away out of Lansing? More sprawl. Didn't we offer these guys all kinds of tax breaks to move to Capitol View?
  • I think their already open, there was a city pulse article on the place.
  • Some good news. 120 jobs is huge for such a small town. It would be significant in a city Lansing's size, let alone a small town like Williamston.

    Tri-State Moving Headquarters to Williamston
  • Dental Association Announces $4.2 Million Move to Meridian Township

    This seems like a dumb move to me, they could have built a building downtown, or leased space in the Lenawee. This is EXTREMELY disappointing.
  • edited October 2008
    Hood, I posted that five days ago. It's literally three posts up the thread.

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