General Lansing Development



  • edited January 2009
    Overall with the Big Three recent bail out it's nerve racking to have any GM factory being built in your area. Knowing what were recent results from it, and how such cities like Flint, Saginaw, and Detroit currently are... which I see as major auto factory cities. Yeah the battery factory seems like goods news, and glad to hear such. Although I'm also glad to hear that a group of GM plants arent being built in Lansing.
    Thought I should mention I'm not against the auto- industry although for a group to be built in the city of Lansing I don't see how it can help the city as much as it may hurt. Looking at Flint, Detroit, and Saginaw those thoughts would be different.
  • Just FYI Capital Gains has a number of stories worth reading this week.

    One thing in particular an official was quoted saying that he was hoping for something mixed-use for the Dollar site. Also, an event planner in Stadium District, some new jobs at Fleet Image.
  • Coolbreeze, please show me exactly what sentence I wrote that lead you to believe I think "Lansing needs to depend completely on the auto industry."

    My last post stated: "I think a diversified economy includes biotech, IT, healthcare, education etc. AND manufacturing..." Very clearly I'm saying that Laning shouldn't depend on ANY one industry. Now that Coolbreeze and LMich have both interpreted my point completely wrong, I guess I will just accept that apparently I suck at writing and am not clear in what I mean.
  • Some of these posts seem to have gotten out of hand. This is for discussions about developments in the Lansing area, not a place for people to argue.
  • Thanks Jared. I'm sure more people would be inclined to register and post on the site if they didn't think that either their opinions would be disregarded, or themselves berated for posting something they felt lent value to the conversation.
  • edited January 2009
    Just been inform by Jared that I'm on warning for closing my account, so if such is to happen.....

    Here is another interesting article on IBM
  • Jared, I agree that this isn't the thread for arguing points or going off-topic, but I honestly don't think every thread MUST be about the Lansing area, or even development. I have no problem discussing more general topics like politics, the economy, other cities or just about anything within reason. Thats just my two cents...
  • Me personally I wouldn't go as far as politics and others unless they relate to Lansing in some way, at least tangentially. However, I think that although the previous debate got a little heated/personal and there was some unnecessary name calling, I think it was a relevent discussion about development in Lansing. However, I'm just one member, and a relatively new one at that, so if others see that debate as inappropriate for this forum, I'll abide by that. And if others think that it seriously hinders others from offering their input on other topics/discussions, I would completely agree that it should be avoided as we need lots of input for a good forum to prosper.

    Also, as someone right in the middle of the aforementioned debate, I'm obviously biased on this specific topic.
  • The City of Lansing's economic development forum was on Wednesday. There is an article in the LSJ. They highlight the $550 million dollar FRIB research center at MSU, IBM's move to MSU, and Accident Fund's relocation to the Ottawa Power Plant.
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