The Ovation Lansing

I figured it's better to move this discussion to it's own thread.
The city announced the new performing arts center today, it will seat 1,530 and be located along Washington on the Lake Trust block. Construction is expected to costs about $21 million including apartments on the upper floors. No timeline is given for start or completion and there's talk of pursuing other grants and tax incentives along with securing financing for the apartment portion so this may still be a little ways off from getting started.
The design is somewhat interesting at least, but as with any interesting design it really will require good quality materials and construction methods to not look goofy. If our long awaited public performing arts center is built to same standards as all the cheap apartments around here I think I'm going to throw a fit. I'm obviously happy to see a performing arts center become reality but I can't say I'm impressed with what is proposed, I don't see why everything here has to be just barely good enough to be passable. I guess this is yet another project where it's a wait and see game to learn how it actually turns out, I don't want to be prematurely pessimistic.,19770?fbclid=IwAR0RwWxXDZOJnoUX9_T7xRGWjLxd-DnY67XxjHrONwbL-b0_CWAg_93bnSM
I wish the area would start utilizing some larger architectural firms from GR or the Detroit area to get a higher caliber of design. The size and budget should interest enough of them. Sure, it's not huge but it's not exactly small either. The Lansing architecture firms that are left are just so disappointing, in my opinion.
Regardless, it's exciting to see this project moving in the right direction. Just hoping for some decent architecture to accompany it.
After looking at the floorplans and seeing the scale of the auditorium versus the apartments I think I'd far rather see the apartments omitted from this plan, there's no good reason for them to be there and they hinder the design possibilities. Regardless, I think it's clear that the city/developer need a new architect and need to go in a different direction.
@Lymon89 Do you know for sure that this is Studio Intrigue or do you assume so because of the look?
It is sad that we half-@ss, everything, which is why I wasn't looking forward to the news that the mayor is restarting the move of city hall.
Regarding the city hall thing, I just made a little rant on that over in city hall thread. And that was before I reread the article and they were specifically quoted as saying they would consider reusing an existing building for the new city hall to bring costs below that the remodel figure. Oh boy, this is gonna be one sad failure after another by the city, just like City Market. This has to stop. I gave up what could have been fantastic opportunities in life to stay in my hometown and my hometown is disappointing me at every turn. Maybe it's time to consider moving away finally.
Also, I know it's a different post, but I don't have much hope for City Hall. I'd much rather see the great local example of international style preserved, as City Hall. We won't get another quality building for City Hall if they build new. We'd be lucky if a developer rehabbed it instead of tearing it down and starting new.
I have no idea why the city has been so conservative with investments in the city, I don't think we're in dire financial shape. Oldsmobile Park is about the only ambitious thing the city has done in many decades and it continues to drive the improvement of an entire new swath of downtown. Investing seriously in a more permanent and beautiful performing arts center, even if it means taking out another $10 or $20+ million in bonds, will pay dividends to the city for decades to come. Restoring the current City Hall will, dollar for dollar, be much better for the future of city government than any other option. To be fair, I haven't gotten involved in city government myself despite thinking I know better than those involved. I don't even go to meetings to speak and rarely do I write a politician. I guess I should go publicly voice my opinion before I complain too much.
Not much more in the way of details but they do try to explain how they got to this point of such a severely downsized project although nothing in the article makes me feel much better about what was proposed. If we're going with this sort of downscaled venue as our "performing arts center" the absolute least they can do is make it look nice and build it to last.