General Lansing Township Development



  • A small bit of potentially good news from the township board's July 16th minutes: they sent the Howard & Michigan back to planning committee because they dropped the storage and added housing, resulting in "increased density". They had a public hearing and some potential action taken by the planning board on August 21st but no minutes posted yet for that meeting. This is a project I look forward to, transforming a block of prominent Michigan Ave frontage, highly visible from the freeway, should have a big impact.

    Referral to Planning Commission: PDR-21-11 – 108 S. Howard St. -- 108 Howard LLC Planner Brad Beck advised the Board that this referral is due to 108 Howard LLC changing plans from housing and storage to only housing. He stated due to the increase in density, a new approval is required.
  • How about that! I read in last Sunday's New York times about Michigan's turn around in housing, from having an overload of old bad housing to a shortage of good housing now in 2024, with rents and home prices rising even in rural areas like White Cloud. Michigan is now a destination for folks looking for more affordable housing and cost of living. That is a big part of why I moved here from Mass. several years ago. I think many developers might do the same adding more housing and less retail/office space in their new developments like this one has.
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