


  • I think they might have waited for a sunny day to shot that story, I was thinking the same thing.

  • Just drove by there today, and it looked to me like there was some more paving across the street for the brewery... seems to me like these were mostly gravel parking lots unless my memory serves me wrong...

  • I passed by the complex today and saw they have the whole open space - and maybe part of the parking lot - fronting Cedar torn up. So, I went to the city website property look-up tool and don't see any permits pulled or projects listed. It doesn't look like utility work, but I'm also pretty sure it's not the start of the final phase of the project. Maybe they are even further expanding the parking lot? I sure hope not. Maybe the city website will be updated in the coming week.

  • I had been thinking they were going to build another building fronting Cedar St. maybe this is the start of that project.

  • edited October 2018

    I can't imagine them doing this without having announced it (nothing in the paper, nothing in their social media, nothing on the architect's website, etc.), so I don't suspect it's the third phase of this.

  • Okay, to my dismay this was simple extending the parking lot closer to Cedar. Looks like they've add two new rows of parking with this expansion. I have to go to the city website and check and then recheck the "projects" section of this property's page, because all I saw that was active was a project to add a sign and that may have been the one that's already up on the building.

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