Streets & Transit



  • I meant "worst streets" that are getting worse!:} Also I wonder why they left a few blocks out of the repaving of Pine Street?

  • GB,

    Here is an interactive map with all of the planned street projects for this fiscal year:

    It looks like Seymour is to be repaved from Ottawa all the way to Grand River/Cesar Chavez in Old Town. This is quite a stretch. But, man, do I wish they'd repave Washington between Grand River/Cesar Chavez and Saginaw. That is a horrible way for a visitor to have to be introduced to Old Town.

  • I could see modern brick pavement on N. Washington. Capitol Ave is a real moonscape as well. I wonder how they chose, I would start with the block the Capitol is on and move out in ever larger squares from there. I like that the plan includes Ceasar Chaves in Old Town that is a bad one.

  • Does anyone have more information about the Grand River Street reconfiguration project? Such as the proposed lane arrangments?

  • edited June 2018

    gb, if you click on each project it tells you what it's about. Cesar Chavez/Grand River appears to be a street reconfiguration project not a reconstruction or resurfacing, though, maybe they'll plan to do that, too. I'm not exactly clear on what they could do to it that would improve what it already is. The city has made their default to convert roads with two lanes each way to one lane each way with a center turn lane...but that is already basically what Cesar Chavez is, at least through Old Town. Perhaps that's what they plan to do with the rest of the street through Northtown to the east.

    BTW, public service has a tweet up showing the repair workin on Seymour:

  • I'm taking, Seymour, and Pine, to from Old Town to REOtown for a smooth ride! In Old Town, once you get past N. Washington the streets in every direction are very bad. It is confusing where Grand River meets Grand River and also turns into Willow and Chavez. Maybe they are going to figure all that out? It would be nice if the repaved the RR crossing in Old Town.

  • The LSJ has an article about the downtown to Frandor bike path today. It sounds like it is going to be another great way to bike around Lansing.

  • That path looks to make some progress in this area. I do not see a legend for the figure, is the plan to add a path along Howard? The Shared lanes on Shiawassee may not be as successful as the other parts. I would predict a high amount of sidewalk riding there, but having a signed route could help steer and promote more bike traffic in this area. Overall, the project would more directly connect the eastside with partial off-road paths. It will be a needed addition to the sparse dedicated bike network.


  • edited July 2018

    I'm surprised it has as many dedicated paths as it does. And, honestly, Shiawassee is a pleasant on-street ride, at least east of Larch and the times I'm usually on it (after rush-hour, of course, and on weekends). Let's just put it this way, it's going to be a much better ride than trying to navigate Michigan, which I'll do on the weekends, but no way during the regular weekdays. And I've never taken anything but the streets on Saginaw.

    I'm glad pedestrians and cyclists will finally get a path through the expansive school campuses on the eastside. Another big thing here is that going through the school campuses avoids the fairly steep/est hills/grades - for Lansing - that you get along Saginaw and Kalamazoo if you're trying to go east.

  • Be careful out on eastbound 496 through downtown, folks. The heat - like it did down in Charlotte the other day - has made the freeway buckle in between Washington and Grand and it's apparently already damaged a few cars. MDOT is being called in to make emergency repairs.

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