General Lansing Development



  • edited March 2020
    Darklink, I'm less concerned about the rebuild of the Gannon ramp. That's one isn't really the problem, especially since it's on campus and isn't simply a rebuild of an existing garage. The Capitol one is the problem.

    Edit: YES! The Gannon replacement got approval from the planning board, but they tabled the request for the rezoning for the Capitol addition. It seems that the residents of the condos in the old convent across the street spoke out against the proposal. Not usually a fan of NIMBYs, and I'd bet they complain if anything was built across from them over two stories. But I'm in favor of slowing this one down a bit.

    5803491192_d6c093eb49_b.jpgSabin-Judson by NewCityOne, on Flickr

    The City Pulse has a good photo of the Capitol site for anyone who needs orienting:
  • I'm glad to see the planning board pushing LCC to put commercial space on the ground floor of their ramp, that would make it palatable for me. I've always liked the idea of LCC building some housing or partnering with someone to do so and I like the idea of putting it on top of this garage although I think that's highly unlikely at this point in the process. Their lot at the SW corner of Washington & Shiawassee would be a good spot for housing also. I was never really was excited to see LCC expand south of Shiawassee at all though, I'd rather they build up more.
  • Wow that is a beautiful building there, @MichMatters . I'm glad to see this one slowed down too. As Saginaw currently stands, I don't see retail working here without a surface lot. But I think residential on top of the ramp would work. If the city agrees with first floor retail and it sits vacant then we haven't really gained much through the process.
  • I noticed that the ground looks to be in the process of being graded as well as some utility work being done at 705 N Larch St, which is the empty lot north of the giant QD between Cedar and Larch St. I had totally forgotten what was there until I looked up historical pictures and saw that lot used to have a McDonald's, gas station, and car wash. Anyone know the story of why the lot became vacant? Anyone know what may be happening to the lot now? I couldn't find anything in particular online, but I did see the lot was purchased last year for a little over 1 million.

    It better not be another marijuana dispensary lol.
  • Darklink, I don't live to far from this site. As far as I can tell, I only saw utility work across the lot line on the ROW side. There is nothing showing the lot being developed in city records.

    As for the history of the site, I've never found an answer how you can have a combined gas station/McDonalds - on a state highway, no less, and major crossroads - closed. Those things would survive a nuclear apocalypse, so it must have just been horribly managed. I gave them plenty of my business, though I did notice it was never super-busy. And for the site to have remained vacant for so long given its location is also really confusing. BK next door has been there since the late-80's; the Riverfront Mall kitty-korner since 1979, and QD since the 60's. Businesses have survived for decades at these intersections, so it's strange not to see that corner working.
  • Mich, you're right, I just drove by the site again last night and didn't see any additional work on it, and on further inspection no grading has been done. I must have just saw the workers when I quickly glanced to my left through that tangle of intersections and brake lights and pictured something more then there actually was.

    Well, hopefully whoever bought that plot of land for a million does something with it in the near future. That intersection really epitomizes the concrete jungle that a lot of downtown Lansing currently is. It would be nice to see something new go here, as well as reducing that giant lot QD has over their entire property.
  • In that area, they have been working on the former Bonnie's building for quite a while now. It seems like a lot of work just for a resale. [pot shop?] On the other side of town, I noticed the renovation of the Allen Street Community Center [I think that is the name] on Kalamazoo Street may have started. I saw hardhat workers outside and the windows on the east side have been covered. Down at the 600 Block, they have started to install a grey brick on the lower floor and in the alley at the back of the building. It looks OK.
  • The new buildings going up on the north side of the Capitol Complex are progressing nicely. They both look large in their spots on the street. They are being built close to the sidewalks and it looks like parking will be in the back. It is great to see this development on the northwest side of downtown and hopefully, it will lead to the other side of the complex being developed. The streets in this northside neighborhood are an incredible mess. The city really needs to do something about that for the people who live there and if they want to see more development in the area. This neighborhood has a large number of notable vintage homes, brick paving for the streets and sidewalks, some vintage-looking signs and street lamps, we could have a nice "Historic North Lansing/ Butler Boulevard District".
  • I noticed a renovation going on in one of the old one-story brick buildings on Hosmer across from Art's Pub. I would think it would be for some sort of industrial use the same as it's neighbors. I think it is too small to be another grow house.
    I hope my project updates are interesting if not a bit vague! I don't know the details but I have time to take construction site tours, so I'm thinking most people who read this page have jobs and may not have the time to check out the progress of these many projects that are going up right now and "may" find my observations interesting. It is very cool that I have so many to check out.
  • edited March 2020
    The little stuff is usually the more interesting stuff. Don't hesitate to post it. Anyway, are you talking south of Art's of west of Art's? There is a project being shown for 324 South Hosmer northwest of Art's in city records. No specifics are given on the project other than that it's a build-out and repair of the existing historic buildings.

    This was an old row of garages, storage facilities and warehouses. In fact, the attached buildings directly north of them still house a auto repair garage.
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