General Lansing Development



  • edited June 2008
    It's so funny to hear the local media insist that "it wasn't a tornado", as if it makes a difference to those affected by these "straight-line winds," which themselves did not bother discriminate. lol I also noticed, last night, that it seemed like every street light from East Lansing to Sparrow Hospital on the southside of the street was out. I think it's time we started burying more power lines, huh? It's funny that in the 21st Century we still hang our power lines from wooden posts simply waiting for a storm to run through to knock entire cities off-line for a few days.
  • I too have always wondered why they keep power lines, or any other wires, hanging from telephone poles. I know that eventually all lines will be buried, but when, in 100 years? This is something that should be done along with CSO work if you ask me.
  • Here's an update on the Pointe North project: New building planned for site near Frandor

    I went by there today and the whole building was demolished. It looks like they are moving pretty quick on this, except the article above mentions that this is a one-story project, so I wonder why they decided to downsize.
  • I thought it was always proposed as at one story.
  • hood's post here says that the listing said two-stories.
  • It sucks that they scrapped the two-floor design, but I pretty much expected it.
  • Beatneck posted these photo's of the Hawk Island branch of the Rivertrail on UP, I thought I'd share them here:

    "Looking south from Cavanaugh...


    one of the new bridges heading south...


    now looking north from jolly/aurelius...


  • The River Trail looks nice. I'll have to bike it next time I'm home. Does anyone know if they have plans to extend it north(west) after the Turner Dodge House? I heard rumers a while back, but nothing since.
  • They have plans to extend it all over the place, but I'm not sure about that particular area. I would bet that it will eventually be expanded that way though.
  • edited June 2008
    There hasn't been any talk in the last few years (not even any whispers) of of extending it northwest. The problem with extending the River Trail west or northwest is that unlike the rest of the River Trail, the city would have to go through years of litigation with private residential owners. Most of the current River Trail was pushed through/around former industrial lands and through existing municipal parks. My idea has been, then, if the Moores River Drive and Techumseh River folks don't want the trail going through their property/back yards simply switch it the trail to the other side of the river. In the case of where the western branch of the trail ends in Moores Park, I'd simply bridge it across the river from Riverside Park on the other side of the MLK Bridge and take it along the northern bank of the river and take it to Grand River Park. I'm not so sure what to do with it in the northwest.


    There was a 2-story design for North Pointe? Was it ever posted here? The only rendering and mention of the project I'd ever seen showed and spoke of it as a one-story strip of retail. BTW, when the news article speaks of it having sidewalks unlinke the other property, do they mean it will be built to the street, or simply that unlike the former site it will have sidewalks at the streetfront? I seem to remember that the old property was pretty rare in that they built the entire parking lot out to the street, just about. It looked kind of weird.
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