Red Cedar Renaissance



  • I wonder what sort of effect this will have on the EL residential area to the south of Kalamazoo St. once the wetlands to the north are paved over. I know that area is somewhat prone to flooding too, especially on the western parts of Lilac and Daisy. The flower pot neighborhood is a cool little pocket, one of the few places I'd actually consider moving to if I bought in EL, but something has me thinking it's going to have issues once the cement goes in just above it.

  • I hope that MJ will keep his opinions about others' observations on this page to himself from now on. No one here is an idiot. I was noting that the parking areas of Eastwood are configured kind of like streets and blocks possibly with permeable pavement and sidewalks and landscaping, rather than one big blacktop surface parking lot like Frandor has now. And no I am not a professional landscape architect I do have a BFA in fine arts so maybe that says I can give an opinion on the aesthetics of this project and should leave the technical comments for the professionals here, as MJ is I assume. It seems like MJ does not like this project which fine, but it is not fine to bad mouth people who are excited about it, this forum to me is a place to discuss the facts on the ground, and also hopes and wishes for what could be built in our city.

  • don't talk about me and I won't talk about you

  • and don't take things so personally, that's a weak midwestern trait. you should be above that

  • I'm open about everything and very little patience for those who are not.

  • my opinions are exactly that, my opinions

  • isn't this site for opinions?

  • MJMJ
    edited February 2019

    Also, ecology and science are not about opinions. It's about what is real. So, the 'idiot' charge was not directed at anyone's opinions, it was directed at anyone trying dispute the potential environmental impacts of this project. It's a slippery slope when people start trying to justify environmental damage for the sake of economic, or even social advances. Very much similar to climate change.

    And if Darklink is right and the Flowerpot is in jeopardy, then my parents house is in danger. The woods I grew up playing in are in danger. That makes it pretty real for me.

  • "this forum to me is a place to discuss the facts on the ground, and also hopes and wishes for what could be built in our city."

    yeah, this is exactly what I've been doing for 6 months now. But I still get that sense that you guys all hate me so I'll probably give it a rest for a little bit. I've got work to do!

  • Y'all can go back to your opinionless reporting of council meeting minutes

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