General Lansing Development



  • Yeah, I remember seeing it now. That building should have been taller, or at least built to hold more floors on top in the future. For example, the new MSU College of Education expansion is one floor tall, but was built to hold six floors added on it in the future.
  • Hood, did you read the agenda this week?

    It seems that the owner of Tom's, the antique furniture store, is in support of Fady Inc. constructing a 4-unit townhouse building at his stores site. Being that the building is only one store, I assume this means the stores demolition, and it's not architecturally interesting.

    It's at 319 East Grand River just next door to the old check cashing store that's under renovation into lofts and retail.
  • I assumed that he was supporting their townhouses up on Larch, it's a bit unclear. However, 319 E Grand River would appear to be a bad location for townhouses, that location should retain ground floor retail if redeveloped.
  • Did you hear on council, tonight, that the old refrigerator building/wharehouse across from Sunset Food Market (the one we've talked about before) is planned for an artist colony? I knew a redeveloper was seeking to renovation for this one, but I never knew what for, and I certainly didn't expect this, though I think it's a very interesting concept.
  • It seems that Parks and Recreation Department moved from the North Capitol Avenue Parking Structure. I wonder if Planning and Development plans to move out of it (how embarrassing), and if this is any sign that this one may be coming down, soon? It would be great to find out of Gibsons is looking to move, because that would defintely mean demolition.
  • The ramp has something like 5-10 years of life on it maximum. So it is definately within range of demolition, but of course so is S Grand, S Capitol and the old part of the N Grand ramp. The city has to create a parking master plan because all these ramps have to be replaced within about 5-15 years. At the same time there will no doubt be more surface lots dissapearing and more parking demand. Things are going to come to a head if they don't act soon, very soon.

    Thats interesting about the old Cold Storage warehouse, I wonder what an "artist colony" is exactly.
  • An artist colony is a general art studio. Artists rent a small space, but have common access to craft items that they might otherwise not be able to afford. For example, a kiln is very expensive, and expensive to operate, but amongst 10-15 potters, it is reasonable. They are great for creating a critical mass of art, and artist to spark some really cool things.

    Bare Bones studio in old town was a very small artist colony.
  • Also, don't know if anyone caught this one, but the Fast Temps building, in Old Town, caught fire tonite. It appears to have started in one of the upper apartments. The upstairs units are definetly totaled. The roof of the adjoining building to the west, also caught fire, but more water damage from the fire department than fire. There was a second hand music store that had very recently opened there.
  • Welcome to the site Mr. Fisher. It's always nice to hear new voices on the site. If you have any ideas for features to add to the site, let me know.
  • How large is the Fast Temps building? Do you think there could be any good coming out of something tragic like this? Could this promote the rebuilding of the site, or do you think that the lot may sit vacant now for a while?
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