General Lansing Development



  • I thought it was interesting that the owner of the bar has gone on to sell macaroons! That would seem about as far as you could get from that old bar.

  • edited January 2017

    I guess I'd never quite noticed, but the Lansing city limits includes a full quarter of MSU's Forest Akers West golf course. I wonder how taxing would work (where this not university property) when a property is split between two municipalities? Does a property owner pay double the taxes? Does it pay to the entity in which the address resides? Forest Akers has two addresses. And, in fact, it seems the golf course does, in fact, have two addresses: the west course in Lansing and the east course in East Lansing.

    BTW, this also means that the University Club (of Michigan State) is also in Lansing along Forest Road, but I'm not sure that that is technically university land.

  • I have also found boarders and city limits interesting. I have noted the the road gets much worse once you cross from East Lansing to Lansing on Forest Road. It is interesting in the sense that humans draw these lines, and they often draw a real but man made difference with very different circumstances on each side. Locally these silly lines put people one Mifflin Street in a different municipality, then their neighbors on S. Francis Street. The people on Mifflin have no sidewalks, curbs, or proper storm drains, and few street lights. It always strikes me when you cross a line, "our interests stop here!" and the snow plow turns around.

  • Yeah I'm pretty sure that the U Club is separately owned and not part of MSU. The Lansing part of Forest Rd is much nicer than the East Lansing part. A few problems in the bike lanes but overall pretty good for one of the older bike lanes in the city. I do feel bad for the South Lansing Community Development Association when they put on their triathlons. They have a lot of road problems on their bike course. The worst areas are where it goes east on Mount Hope (which has some pretty bad spots in Lansing), turns south on Beaumont (which is horrible in a car, let alone a bike), and west on Forest (really bad until Farm Ln). A lot of bad roads for them to deal with. Their Olympic triathlon does an additional out and back on College Rd, which is a wonderful road for biking. I bike through this area a lot and the road differences between Lansing, East Lansing, and MSU are striking.

  • But I've seen this stuff all my life too. I grew up on a dirt road that was the county line between Eaton and Barry counties. Neither really showed much interest in maintaining it, especially in the winter.

  • edited January 2017

    Yeah I'm pretty sure that the U Club is separately owned and not part of MSU.

    Oh, I know. It's just a bit surprising something affiliated with the university is so close to the border, and chose the Lansing side to be on. That's really kind of rare. Generally, anything university related stays east of the border like the plague, so it's interesting when someone chooses the Lansing side, and particularly something as prestiguous as the club.

    Speaking of roads, as relatively mild as the winter has been thus far, the freezing and thawing has turned up some pretty massive and dangerous potholes. There is was a bump in the furthest south lane of westbound Oakland just before Larch that has been weirdly eaten away so that it's now a huge pothole. I've forgotten about it twice and hit it. There are also now numerous potholes in Saginaw just south of the Motor Wheels Lofts between the railroad underpass and Prudden Street heading up to Pennsylvania.

    I'd been so spoiled by their repaving of East Michigan and the block of East Shiawassee between Larch and Cedar that it was a wake-up call that the roads, overall, are still bad, here. lol

  • Please be sure and tell about these road conditions, they often, but not always, respond and at least patch the pot holes.
    It is true when you drive down Michigan, Clemens,Greenlawn,S Washington or S Holmes there is a physical feeling of relief. While the way the Repubs. have handled the Flint water infrastructure has left me thinking I hope they do better with the roads, and spend the new tax money well and fast. I swear there are whole blocks on the north side where there is really no pavement.

  • The lawsuit over the Saboury development in Old Town might get settled. An article posted in the LSJ says that the two parties are open to mediation.

    It would be great to see this project move forward and have activity at this vacant building.

  • I read the article, and I'm still not clear on whether the city is being sued or just the city councillers named?

  • I think both but as the council members are being sued as doing part of their job it means they are named but the city would pay for the legal defense as well as any settlement costs.
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