General Lansing Development



  • edited May 2018

    If I did, it was months ago. I don't remember talking about it recently. Looking it up it appears that the school district owns both parcels, though Sparrow is listed as the taxpayer for the baseball field lot. The north lot is 10.38 acres; can't pull up the size of the south lot (baseball field).

    If I had to guess it's probably just a renovation of the baseball field. LSD is in a big construction/renovation kick as part of their millage plans, right now. To me, though, the northern parcel just makes too much sense as housing. But this having been the Boy's Training School lands, maybe there is some kind of covenant on it, because it makes no sense this land has sat fallow for decades.

  • edited May 2018

    City Pulse has an article today saying it's Eastern's new sports complex, and talks about the potential finds of buried artifacts while they are digging up the former BTS site. I'd be really interested to see a site plan for this thing. They won't have to share with Sexton, anymore.

    Found this article from last year:

    The new complex will include a dual-purpose football and soccer field, as well as refurbished tennis courts and a diamond for baseball and softball, among other upgrades.

    If anyone else can find who the architect/constructor of this is, let me know. There has to be plans out there for it somewhere I'd imagine.

  • edited May 2018

    I wonder what this is? Saw this on the city twitter feed from yesterday:

    We'd discussed some make-over of the riverfront some months back. Anyone remember a new riverfront park anywhere in the concept? Where could one even be given that the riverfront is basically already park land downtown?

    EDIT: Didn't realize that twitter links automatically embed here. lol

  • Maybe "new" has different interpretations and they will subdivide Adado Park? I'm not sure that is legally possible though. Otherwise could it be on Museum Drive?
  • edited May 2018

    Yeah, I'm feeling this is something that was announced before and should be obvious, but I can't for the life of me guess what they are talking about. But the thing is that they plainly mention a "new park." Reading the tweet more closely, now, it doesn't specify that this is on the riverfront, rather part of the riverfront masterplan.

    Maybe they will finally use the underutilized land between Kalamazoo and Michigan between Larch and Cedar for a central park of sorts? I imagine we're talking about on land the city already owns or something that'd be donated to them, because they surely wouldn't be spending much of anything to buy land at market prices. Then again, we're only talking $800,000, here, so this is probably something way less ambitious than my mind is running with. That's barely enough to grade and grass over and plant some trees. lol

    Just throwing stuff out there. I'm sure we'll here about it in the next day or two.

  • edited May 2018
    Here’s a little more info.

    It mentions that it’s on the riverfront near the Lansing Center.
  • I guess Jared was right. They can really only be talking about the land down off Museum Drive. Thanks for that, Lansplant.

  • I drove by the Eastern High site yesterday, and I saw that they had cut down all the trees [of course they always do] and there was the trunk of one laying on its side that must have been 8 to 10 foot across! It would have to be over 100 years old to be that large. Too bad they could not have worked such a big old tree into the plan.

  • At the Lansing Center are they talking about the area with the gazzebo-like thing over to the area in front of the City Market. That will be nice, as that area is not really used by people other than to pass through. There is also a green space between Museum Drive and Kalamazoo behind the water plant. Maybe all of that area. I am thinking of the drawings that were out a while back that showed slopping banks with water plants and little coves along both side sof the Michigan Ave bridge.

  • PS I am glad the Quakers will finally have their own fields of dreams. Does Eastern play Sexton anymore? I went to Sexton and we used to be in the same league the 6-A/7-A. I see that Sexton is class-B these days.

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