General Lansing Development



  • The speedlimits on 496 and parts of US-127 have FINALLY been increased to the 70 MPH they should have been set at long ago. 496, in particular, coming into downtown was a complete speedtrap, and it was actually more dangerous to slow to 55 MPH.
  • It's WONDERFUL!!

    I can't help but wonder though, how they're going to replace all that lost revenue from cheap speeding tickets.
  • edited April 2007
    lol! They'll find a way. haha I was on it a rush hour, today, and everything went so much more smoothly than you usual.
  • I just noticed the 4 townhomes that we were trying to figure out their location are being built in a strange fashion away from Larch between Oakland and Grand River. It's really weird. The building stretches back towards the industrial lands behind the houses that line Larch on that side of the street. They don't look like a good place to live, at all, but I'm not going to complain.
  • Speaking of that area, what's the story behind the building the police precinct is in? It seems like such a strange (and large) building to have been built, and yet be largely unoccupied?
  • I drove by the apartments on Clippert today and they are working on the second floor. The rumor that I heard is that DTN has bought up all remaining properties on that strip and they plan to build much more student housing there.

    This is across from the Red Cedar Golf Course on Clippert. The DTN building would be directly south of Calkins Paint.
  • Mindbender, are you talking about MotorWheels Loft? There isn't much about that complex that could be described as empty.
  • edited April 2007
    No, the crazy looking building the police precinct is in. With the weird angled roof line. I went there a while ago and the whole middle of the building was still empty. Was it build exclusively for the LPD?

    I suppose that was a while ago though, something could be in there now.
  • Oh, you're talking about right next door. Yeah, I think it's still empty. I can't remember if anyone was ever in there and its went vacant or if they've just never leased the space.
  • The building that the North Precinct is in is (or was) actually part of the larger 3 floor Motorwheel Building. It was almost completely reconstructed in 1999, I think. their website says that there is 40,000 sq ft of space leased to Lansing Police Departments and Capital Consultants Engineering, and the other 80,000 sq ft was leased to Lockheed Martin/ACS State and Local Solutions.
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