General Lansing Development



  • edited March 2007
    It looks like they finally revealed the design for the new Michigan Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Monument (what a mouthful):


    It like how the area around the Hall of Justice is starting to mature.
  • It's nothing fantastic, but it's way better than having that much more parking lot!
  • how much surface parking lot will be removed for this? Isn't there already a pretty large setback for that parking lot?
  • edited March 2007
    I don't believe this is taking out any parking lot. It will simply widen the sidewalk at the park, it looks like. If you look closely, you can see the start of the parking lot a few meters into the background. This appears to be going in right on the sidewalk at the Veterans Memorial.

    BTW, I wrote the Old Town Mainstreet Association to find out exactly what's going on at the old Tom's Antique Store, a prominent business, in Old Town. Apparently, it's going to be reconstructed to its original appearence (circa 1875! Wow!), and give it three seperate storefronts: one for an existing graphic design business, one for a rentable photography studio with a kitchen that can be used for gatherings, and one for a new antique store. Sounds interesting, huh?

    Also, go check out the City of Lansing's update finance website that shows the recent residential change:

    Check out the new maps for the Renaissance Zones in Lansing:

    Whoever is updating the website has been really changing it over for the better in the past few months adding a lot of cool new maps and information. Go check out all the new changes.
  • I can't remember which one is Tom's Antique store, is that the grey one with the metal covered facade?
  • It's the really long one-story building.
  • A few more updates (should have had my camera):

    1. The storefronts directly south of the Visitor's Center are beginning to wrap up. In fact, the scaffolding was taken off the one directly adjacent to the Visitor's Center. It's an awesome and authentic historic renovation, not that modernization you see so often.

    2. It looks like Preuss Animal House is FINALLY getting to the front of their building. I'm not exactly sure if they are going to renovate the front, or just strip it and put a new modern facade on, but they just added the scaffolding along the entire length of the store along Grand River. From what they originally said they'd do is put huge glass windows on the front to display live aquariums.
  • Is there any updates on the CSO work to reopen Washington Sq to Shiawasee? I heard that it was going to start in 2007, and the year is here, so is this planned for the summer?
  • I think it starts in early April.
  • Some news...

    Looks like Lansing has pulled another tech company from suburban Okemos:

    Jadian Enterprises moves to Lansing

    Software and services company Jadian Enterprises Inc. has moved from an Okemos office to the 42,000-square-foot Metro Internet Exchange building in north Lansing. The building, at 1800 W. Grand River Ave., northwest of Old Town, is the headquarters and main data center for telecommunications company Technology companies IdealSo, Computer Data Recovery and Citadel Defense Technologies also call the building home.

    It looks like we must be doing something right.


    Neogen profit jumps 44 percent

    Lansing-based food and animal safety company Neogen Corp. said this morning its fiscal third-quarter earnings were up 44 percent.

    The company reported a profit of nearly $2 million, or 21 cents per share, for the three-month period that ended Feb. 28. That was up from earnings of $1.4 million, or 16 cents per share, one year earlier.
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