General Lansing Development



  • edited April 2007
    Printers Row - Phase I


    Printers Row - Phase II



    Kerr House Renovation (taking forever):

  • Nice photos LMich. The second phase looks better than I had expected. I didn't think they would be walkups, more like individual detached units.
  • There is one other building that I forgot to photograph, onsite, it's green, but similar to the rest. They are really communal-looking, but they'd always been planned that way. I believe they are referred to as "Victorian-styled (whatever) Garden homes"
  • edited April 2007
    In and LSJ interview with David Ferguson, when he's asked "Whats next for you?" he responded: "I'm looking at other parcels on the river in the greater Lansing area. I'd like to make some announcements in the next few months. It'll be more residential and commercial."Take 5 with David Ferguson

    Also, the nearly completed Michigan Resturaunt Association:
  • The MRA Building really turend out nicely.
  • Apprently, the rain gardens along Michigan Avenue started construction, today. I hadn't noticed.
  • Are they going to update that stop light there next to the MRA building so it's not hanging on the wire like that. It would be nicer to see a more permanent/modern stop light.
  • edited April 2007
    I doubt it. The intersection would have to have a considerable amount of additional traffic for them to even look at it. All of the lights south of there along Townsend are like this.
  • Another win for mass transist. Regular bus service is going to be extended to the Edgewood area in Lansing's Far Southside. God knows they need it with all of that apartment housing, down there.

    New Cata route coming to south Lansing
  • Thats good to hear, but how long will the bus route be? It seems like it will only go from Meijer then down Edgewood Blvd (or maybe that's just the shuttle).

    What is the overall impression of the CATA service on the southside?
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