General Lansing Development



  • Just a side note! The new maintenance man at my building had been working at the Skyvue building and told me he quite there because the workload was just too much as the building has many defects, and now that people actually live there they have to fix several problems a day. I have sort gotten used to the building but I always thought it looked kind of cheap and the only flair of it's design is up on the top floor where no one can see it. Let's do better with the Red Cedar project!

  • It's marketed toward students, so it's not a surprise it was built cheaply. Red Cedar includes a mix of housing: market-rate, senior housing and some student housing.

  • This is in response to the Arcadia posts a few pages back...I couldn't figure out a way to quote the text. Sabatoa - you said the East Side is really attracting residents. I lived on the east side for over a decade and it seemed like we always heard, in not so clear terms, that the gentrification of the east side was just around the corner. Honestly, as a homeowner, I got seriously sick of waiting, and moved to the PNW. Do you think the east side is REALLY at a tipping point, or is it just a bunch of young people who want cheap housing because they're MSU students, as well as urban holdouts who send their kids to catholic school?

  • You seem to be judging just what kind of people you think are important from your tone. It's a little bit of everyone quite frankly; I don't know if you're just looking for some bohemian yuppy enclave or something more diverse in every sense of the word. It's certainly not the former.

    But in any case there has visibly more development on the Avenue (Arcadia, The Venue, Provident Place (u/c), Avenue Flats, etc.).

  • edited October 2018
    No. I see Lansing as an incredibly racist region. Even the liberals with means, as evidenced by much of the State of Michigan and Michigan State Univeristy staff with children avoiding Lansing real estate at all costs. It was perhaps the most sad thing about living there, just ahead of tearing down anything of history, and allowing Gillespie to ruin the place.

    In almost any other city in the state besides maybe Flint and Saginaw, a place like the east side of Lansing would have seen at least some real, positive gentrification by now. As for right now, it appears to still be cheap housing for grad students, poor blacks, and a few hippies who think they speak for everyone by running a farmers’ market.
  • edited October 2018

    Bless your heart. Not sad to have seen you go, then. You want to talk about fake progressives? Look around your preciously fake Pacific Northwest with its racism - president and historic; like, I know you know Oregon's history, for instance - papered over by mockable fake "progressivism." You don't have to post here if it's going to be under false pretenses as if you care about the place. You don't. Talking about racism and then dismissing every black person on the eastside as "poor blacks." Get out of here.

  • edited October 2018
    Look at the census, my friend.

    I do care about Lansing, which is why it's so damn sad to see the same forces at play year after year.

    It used to be that middle income people with children raised their families on the east side. Now we see white people there who list their addresses as East Lansing to avoid Lansing schools or send their kids to Lansing Catholic, or they move to EL, Holt or Williamston.

    Other than that, the east side has a very large gay and lesbian population and older liberals who don't care about the schools, MSU grad students, and a large population of low-income blacks. Having lived there and been a member of the community for a long time, I do know what the demographic is. I'm not putting value on one group over another, except to say that middle income whites with children avoid the area like the plague.

    But true change for the better doesn't happen when all the development that is happening is by a former suburban real estate developer who keeps tearing down history and putting up trash. Lansing seems so desperate for any development that they let this no talent ass clown put up anything he wants.
  • The negative comments don't help Lansing. The Lansing area knows pretty well its challenges, and we don't take each opportunity of progress for granted.

    @subterranean This forum isn't here for brash generalizations about populations. Please take the incendiary comments some place else.

  • Incendiary? Sorry I’m not a card carrying member of the positive people party and instead a realist who reports on facts. I asked if real change was happening or if it was the same small town politics and Gillespie hand job that it was when I left.

    This place is an incestuous backwater that would rather tuck its head in the sand about the place than to look in the mirror. It’s hindering its progress as an actual livable place where people choose to stay.
  • I'm pretty sure you knew the answer to your questions before you asked them. Progress is slow and some developments have taken many years longer than they had initially proposed. The value of land in the region isn't high enough yet to create a building craze, but I'm sure you knew that too.
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