General Lansing Development



  • Can somebody post a picture of the memorial? My computer can't seem to handle the PDF document. The PDF too big and my computer is too old.
  • Yeah, I was also picturing a John Hannah / Sparty esque statue. That's too bad. It looks like an old monument on Washington Sq. by the IBM building.
  • Not to be too harsh, but it llooks like trash. I think it will atcually detract from the already bland look in front of city hall.
  • Wow, I really laughed at your comment hood. The monument is well deserved and well needed, but it actually does look like something you would post bills on.

    There is a similar looking structure behind Ned's Bookstore/Panchero's on Grand River in East Lansing. It's used to post bills on.
  • There is a bill poster or two on the Washington Mall, downtown.

    I don't like the style of the monument, either. But, I also didn't care enough about it to offer my input to the Memorial Board, so that's why I'm not going to say much more about it, and certainly nothing harsh, and I'd hope others would do the same unless they took an interest in it before it was revealed. It's not exactly as if this was a secret. This has been on the board for years, and that particular designs for probably a year or more.
  • Point taken LMich.
  • edited May 2007
    I just logged in and noticed there were 17 guests currently viewing the site. How about that!?!
  • I've been on here before when there are 25 guests visiting. It would be nice if some of the lurkers signed up and gave us their insight.
  • I've seen the number of guests get real high quite a few times, even into the 30's I thought.

    To all those who view the site, but haven't joined or don't comment. PLEASE JOIN, and take part in the discussion, we would all love to have your opinions and input, thats the reason for this site existing.
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