General Lansing Development



  • I really hope we here some more major projects being announced over this winter because things seem to be slowing down considerably. We've been talking about the same projects for a few months, now. I'm also surprised, and disappointed, by how quite and insulated Bernero has been. I was expecting huge announcements or at least monthly/bi-monhtly progress reports.

    Stadium District still hasn't started construction, Abrams Landing is still moving very slowly...
  • Hood, can you try and use the Property Search on the city website? It seems to be down, and I'm wondering if it may be my computer.
  • The Property Info page isn't working for me either.

    On the subject of your other post, I definately agree. I was expecting at least some project announcements to come about by now, we're still waiting on the MSP HQ announcement, waiting to here more on any number of "projects in the works" i.e. Association Building, and the Stadium District moving slow adds to the frustration. I really think that next year is going to be a big year for announcements, who knows maybe we could even get to see some announcements this year yet.

    BTW, from the way the council meetings have been looking we should see both the Hollister Building and Mutual Building projects starting anytime.
  • It looks like a real estate sign on the former site of the old Curtis Drug Store at Kalamazoo and Beech has finally been put up. It's for sale by a Pat Gallagher.
  • Published October 12, 2006
    [ From ]
    Irwin Union starts bank office work in Lansing Township

    Lansing State Journal

    LANSING TOWNSHIP - Irwin Union Bank today broke ground for a new office at 2620 Lake Lansing Road, the latest in a series of financial institutions to build near Eastwood Towne Center.

    The new $2.1 million, 8,000-square-foot bank, which will include drive-through service, is expected to open in June 2007.

    “This new building demonstrates our firm commitment to the Lansing area and to helping our customers grow right along with us. This is a great place to do business,” Kurt Hanus, Irwin Union Lansing market president, said in a statement.

    The new branch will replace Irwin Union’s office at 2502 Lake Lansing Road
  • I'm curious to see what this will look like, $2.1 million is an awful lot for an 8,000 sq ft building.
  • Has anyone been down East Michigan Avenue at night, recently? I've said it before before the street lighting was complete, but for the first time I felt like I was in a city deserving of being a capital city. It makes everything just feel so much more welcoming despite the fact that after 5 there isn't much going on on most of Michigan Avenue. I'm a huge proponent of any and all city beautification projects, and this was a great one. It would do wonders for the South Cedar, and MLK, and Saginaw...retail districts/strips if they could put in this type of decorative streetlighting. Sometimes, it's something as small as simple streetscaping that makes developers and investors take note of an area.
  • I just noticed the lighting a couple days ago, Thursday, I think.
  • I'm a little disappointed that the rain gardens will have to wait until next year, as that means they are going to leave that ugly, black-topped streetscaping along Michigan Avenue until they can dig it up again to install the rain gardens, but that's my only complaint.
  • edited October 2006
    I would still like to see what those Rain Gardens will look like. Have seen any renderings or anything?

    I was just looking over and there are some bids out for some Lansing area projects:

    The Hollister Building, it says projected start date is in November.

    The Ottawa Power Station Project: "Site work and new construction on the riverfront in Lansing. Preliminary plans call for the development of the riverfront with restaurants, shops and public parking space.

    No construction date has been set. These plans are in the very early stages of development"

    LCC University Center: "Demolition, site work and addition of a university center in Lansing. Plans are calling for the demolition of an existing building and the addition of a modern brick, copper and block-glass structure that will be linked to an existing library. The building will be 28,000 square feet and will have 18 classrooms.

    Demolition is expected to begin in May 2006. Interested parties should contact the owner."

    An unnamed EL project: "Site work, demolition and new construction of a retail building in East Lansing. Working drawings call for demolition of an existing restaurant and construction of a four-story building to include 3,565 square feet of ground-floor retail space and nine two-bedroom apartments on the top three floors." Tentative start date of March '07.

    Another unnamed, but impressive sounding EL development: "Site work and new construction of a mixed-use complex in East Lansing. Plans are calling for a 12-story building to house three floors of parking, stores and restaurants, with nine floors of condominiums." Start date of February '07.

    Stonehouse Village II: "Site work and new construction of a mixed-use building in East Lansing. Preliminary plans call for construction of a five-story building to include a two-level, 122-space parking garage and 36-apartment units on the top three stories. The project will include three one-bedroom and 33 two-bedroom units.

    A construction schedule has yet to be determined. Interested parties should direct inquiries to the developer." Start date listed is August '07.

    This site is new to me, they want you to become a member to see any real meaningful details which costs $40/month. But this does allow you to see tentative start dates and some previously unheard of projects.
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