General Lansing Development



  • edited December 2008
    There is a vocal community out there that think these things are eyesores, so I'm not sure there'd be many hurdles concerning blocking the views of the windmills. The big issue would be about blocking airflow, if anything.

    I like the modern wind generators that are being designed for high-rises, now, that are more inconspicious like this one proposed on the roof a green building in Ann Arbor:

    Tierra on Ashley

    Tierra on Ashley 2
  • Just FYI they have begun razing the Town Center building.
  • Really? I just drove down Kazoo, today. Are they starting near the Washtenaw end? I really hate to see this one go only for the fact that even when the site is developed, there will probably be surface parking lining part of the site.
  • Yeah, they're starting from the northwest corner of the building.
  • edited December 2008
    I just went to look this up on property look-up page and while I knew the building was big, I had no idea it was 86,000 square feet! I wonder what was on the block prior to its construction in 1961?
  • Wow that is a large building. Those wind generators in Ann Arbor look pretty cool.
  • edited December 2008
    Got some good news. Apparently, only a portion of the Town Center Building is coming down. I haven't seen the partial demolition to see exactly how this will work, but apparently they are trying to connect their gravel lot fronting Washington to the street, and by the street I guess they mean Capitol Avenue. Currently, you can reach the alley by car from Capitol, but it's a tiny side alley off of Capitol. I guess they want and honest-to-goodness driveway.

    They are then seeking to vacate the alley behind the building so that they can connect the Town Center Building to the Cooley Library Building behind it (at Kazoo and Washington) essentially making the Town Center Building an annex of the law library. By square footage, I'm told, this will be the second largest law library in the country.

    P.S. More Good News:
    Credit union leaue plans Lansing move

    Jeremy W. Steele • • December 5, 2008 • From

    The Michigan Credit Union League said today it will relocate its Northville headquarters to downtown Lansing.

    The trade group plans to move Dec. 12 into the 101 Building, 101 S. Washington Square. It had operated a satellite office at 112 E. Allegan St.

    The association said 20 people will work from the new office. Officials said the group aims to raise its political profile and increase its legislative advocacy work.

    The group represents Michigan's 350 credit unions.

    Not huge, but this will help fill up 101 South Washington, which has had a perpetually high vacancy rate from what I've seen and heard.
  • I was hoping to see all of Town Center come down, now it may be preserved for awhile when/if remodeled.
  • edited December 2008
    No, it is being preserved. It's being renovated and turned into an extension of the law library.
  • Good news. It's nice to hear of another association moving to downtown Lansing where it probably should have been for a long time. The proximity to politics, what they are in the business of, will help them and others who decide to move to Lansing.
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