MSU Development



  • Michigan State has released a draft of their 2011 Campus Master Plan. They have a website and a PDF online.

    I haven't gotten a chance to read through it yet to see what goodies are in store :)
  • It looks like campus will continue to be a busy place construction-wise. Over the next 5 years they are planning 800k sq ft of new construction and 1.9m sq ft renovations. From 5-20 years out they project another 500k sq ft of new construction and another 500k sq ft of renovations.

    The detailed chart of projects is on pages 10-11 of the pdf.
  • Much of this planned development is dependent on the upcoming capital campaign. I consider this plan a response to the expected on-campus density increase by reinforcing the park-like setting. Aside from this, the plan could also be beneficial for EL in general with most cars having to park in the border of campus. I have mixed feelings about the note on the master plan that indicates that the old MSP building will be used as perimeter parking.
  • Cladding is going up on the Broad Art Museum. Have to wait until I'm in town next to see how it looks in person. Pictures seem pretty slick.


    More shots at the museums construction Flickr page:
  • Thanks for sharing the pics!
  • edited January 2012
    According to the State News, the Joe D. Pentecost Foundation is funding a new entrance plaza for the sports facilities located at Old College Field.


    The article goes on to mention that Joe Pentecost was an avid MSU fan who began the foundation in 2002, and passed away in 2006. The plaza will not only serve an aesthetic purpose, but will house a ticket office for the fields as well.
  • It will be interesting to see how this plays out: Energy secretary backs off on MSU's $550M FRIB project
  • It would just be a huge punch to the gut if they pulled the project. It would be such an awesome thing for MSU. He made it sound like funding wouldn't be cut off tomorrow or anything, but simply cracking the door through which the funding could slip out open is heart-wrenching enough.
  • edited January 2012
    Not just MSU, but if this is delayed any further (and god forbid they cancel it), this would be a huge blow to the nation. People don't seem to realize it, but the FRIB is of national importance, and the only thing that if completed will allow us to even get us close to being competitive with the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, the world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator.

    Forget MSU for a minute, this nationl will fall decades behind in the study nuclear and particle physics if we don't get this done. It's why it's so important for people not only to vote, but to get it right, come November. There are a contingent of Americans who don't even want to pay for more immediately practical things this nation needs like roads and bridges, let alone pay for science, something many of them don't believe in or don't believe is important. To be quite blunt, that Chu is waffling is a direct result of the tea party takeover of Congress in 2010, and their axe to grind against the Department of Energy, a department that if anyone has been following Republican presidential debates, that they want to do away with entirely.
  • It would be pretty ridiculous to pull funding at this point, especially with MSU having already spent money on the project.

    On a side note, FRIB will be nowhere near as large or powerful as the LHC. FRIB will be used for a totally different purpose.
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