MSU Development



  • I wouldn't worry, I have virtually no doubt MSU will be doing a proper historic restoration including the windows. My jaw would drop if they did anything other than that.
  • I have noticed the new historically correct windows on the dorms west of Campbell. I do appreciate the University's consideration of the details when restoring or building new. I know it is apples and oranges to compare Lansing and MSU administration of resources but one could learn a little from the other.
  • Crews were laying the rebar for the sidewalks on the Farm Lane Bridge, and they are finishing the approach road beds on both sides. Most of crew and equipment trailers have been removed, and the new sidewalks in front of the Auditorium have been finished. Also, the walk under the bridge is finished, it has a nice textured edge next to the river. In other words, they are finishing up the project. Down the Lane the new student center is also having its exteriors finished, I will have to take a closer look but much of the facade is now covered with a yellow/tan square-blocks which may be stone or possibly they are insulation squares. Again, in other words! I am not really liking the color.
  • I'm not exactly what blocks you're talking about on the Multicultural center but the last time I looked I'd guess you might be seeing the brackets for some vertical metal accent pieces for the facade, there's also some insulation that sorta matches that description. I don't think there was any yellow or tan in the renderings.
  • I took a closer look at the "sandstone" colored squares, and they may not be the finished exterior, maybe some sort of backing for whatever the finished facade is. I hope it is as there is a lot of wall space covered with those squares.
  • The Farm Lane Bridge is open for traffic while they finish the sidewalks and light poles. It looks great, maybe if you are interested in seeing it you might want to get over there before the graffiti "artists" decorate the walls.
  • Does the new bridge design still have the underpass for pedestrians?
  • Yeah, it has a path under the north embankment, the south pathway still crosses at street grade. I still always take the south pathway myself when passing through campus biking.

    I've been waiting to grab more pics until the bridge is complete and the Multicultural Center's facade is more complete, but maybe I'll grab a few pics sooner, I'm by there at least once or twice a week typically.
  • edited July 2024
    I know there's nothing they could do to stop the graffiti long term, maybe it's part of the the 'tradition' of that part of campus by now, but I wonder if they kind of leaned into it with some sort of mural to start with, maybe even a graffiti style mural as a base for the inevitable. Maybe then the first tag wouldn't look so out of place.
  • A mural would be a good idea, in most case with murals around the city the taggers tend to leave the murals alone. In other areas of campus, they usually cover the graffiti over fairly quickly, they never covered anything under the old bridge. I know it is a part of culture for a while, but it still pisses me off when I see it, I'm like "that is not your wall" go paint your own walls. When I have taken the train, I often wonder how or why they could cover everything with graffiti for miles. Speaking of murals [not at MSU] there is a nice new one on the alley side of the Campus Manor Apartment building {Beggar's}. Most of the building was recently painted and looks great.
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