MSU Development



  • There doesn't appear to be any significant amount of tree removal for this save to put in the pedestrian bridge, which would be necessary:


    What I'm confused about is whether this the pedestrian bridge is a replacement of the existing bridge to the west (behind the computer center), or if this is in addition to it? It certainly makes a lot of sense to have a pedestrian bridge at this location given all of the big teaching halls around this way. Glad to see it built.
  • I imagine this pedestrian bridge is in addition to the other ones, they don't mention it being a replacement anywhere that I see and it's a bit of a hike to the next bridge. I don't think students on foot in the winter would have been happy to have to go all the way to that other ped bridge or Bogue St to cross the river while the Farm Ln bridge is out.
  • Oh, wait, is that why they are building the bridge? Didn't even think about that. This wouldn't be a temporary bridge, then, would it?
  • Nope, not temporary as far as I can tell. I think it just kinda worked out that they don't have a dedicated pedestrian bridge in this stretch and need to keep access across the river during construction.
  • The trees and undergrowth were removed from the northwest side of the riverbank, next to the Farm Lane underpass. I have found that this is a part of a riverbank renovation and renewal project. Not part of the new building project. Most the greenery you see in the photo in that area has been removed.
    I was wondering about the bridges depicted in the drawings.
  • I personally love the graffiti down there. To each their own :smile:
  • I tend to like graffiti art vs. tagging, I suppose the students would redecorate the area if it were to be covered over. It's cool I understand but it cost a lot of money to remove. I was over there yesterday it was so nice to see so many people out there to support the students.
  • I think of it as a place for students to hone their craft, shake out their early thoughts, and either create beautiful artwork under the bridge or elsewhere. Having it so close to the art school made a lot of sense to me.
  • MSU is in the process of creating an updated campus master plan, in one of the documents discussing the process there's a map showing short term and long term building opportunities along with outlines of already approved buildings. All the known projects are there with one additional one, a large building filling up the entirety of the west parking lot at the Shaw Ln split. This is a very prominent spot and there are no new projects of this scale listed on the MSU construction projects site so it's a mystery for now. Facilities and Land Use Plan_BOT December Review.pdf?alt=media&token=d3519f54-f3b8-4c01-a437-4f35e1f6dcc4

    Here's the master plan site, there's a form at the bottom of the page where they're asking for community input if anyone's interested:
  • MSU has removed all the trees from the Farm Lane and Shaw Lane green space where a new student organization building is going to be built. The trees were not very large, but it is always kind of shocking to see for the first time. One thing about MSU is when they say they are going to build something they do.
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