MSU Development



  • ...And yet another large new building proposed out at MSU, this one a health education building in the south academic district. Fee Hall will finally be demolished as part of this plan, something is mentioned about a 10 year $119 million capital renewal, I'm not sure what that's referring to. There's a bit more info and a conceptual rendering of a five floor building with an annex in the pdf: to plan Health education bldg.pdf
  • edited April 2023
    "south academic district within the biomedical discovery neighborhood near the colleges of Nursing and Human Medicine student-facing functions"

    Is this the area around the clinical center? I've never gotten my head around all of these new desginations/terms for regions of campus, or really even the old designations. Is the clinical center where the nursing and human medicine school portion of the campus is?
  • edited April 2023
    Yeah, you have the right area. It doesn't say a specific site, I'm not sure if that's decided yet.

    EDIT: The south academic district generally is the area south of the CN RR tracks near Hagadorn including the medical buildings and the single story engineering buildings to the south. They have plans to build out the streets around there, curve Bogue around to Woodlot and create a through street to Hagadorn and another running south to Mt Hope. There will probably be a lot more going on over this way in the coming years.
  • edited April 2023
    Looks like there is a good site at the corner of Service & Hagadorn. Other than that, it makes me wonder the other areas they expand into in this area? Because right now, it's pretty well hemmed in by the Crop & Soil laboratory in the southeast and the Baker Woodlot to the south and southwest. I can see them going south, but keeping everything to the east of Bogue. Because going west of Bogue are major encroachments into the Woodlot.

    Anyway, as someone who has used - and had family who regularly uses - the clinical center, they REALLY need to just tear it down and build upward. It's very apparent when you go up to it or into it how old and poorly maintained it is. In another life where they didn't essentially abandon East Lansing for Grand Rapids, Flint and Metro Detroit, this is where they'd have built a hospital and headquarters for the College of Human Medicine. I'm still really sour about it.
  • I was happy to see this story. It seems like MSU is just waiting for someone to pay for a pool, which is OK, but it seems odd for some reason, maybe this gift will help get a proper pool for the many uses it could have.
  • @hood yea, I hope so... the exclusion of an aquatics facility with the new IM building just seems really stupid. Literally, stupid. Right now, IM circle is the only place you can swim I believe. I think they'll need more than $6.5M, though. Something like this IMO would cost $15-$20MM, or even more, if you want to do it right.
  • MSU BOT meeting this Friday. Here is agenda:
    These meetings typically always include approval to plan or start construction on infrastructure. The agenda sometimes changes day of, as well.
  • Here's a new master plan presentation packet, I think this is the result of the meetings from this month. There's a lot more detail in general but one thing I really like is the concept to pedestrianize most of Red Cedar Rd and create a landscaped plaza. It says this is a long term goal but I hope they pursue it sooner rather than later. Final Recommendations.pdf?alt=media&token=d066011e-c827-4cd3-9b23-f45565b331fa
  • This looks like a very ambitious plan. I like the greenways planned. I am sure this is not part of this plan, but I noticed a line of posts [wooden signposts?] placed along the river starting behind the Kresge Art Center going down to Bogue Street. Perhaps it is an art installation, or for a nature trail.
  • Today I asked a worker who was with a crew installing more posts in the woodlot behind Erikson and Wells halls what they were for. He told me they were for hammocks! They are for people to tie their hammocks to, rather than trees. While I would say that is a good thing, they have installed quite a few of these posts, and I believe I have only seen one time where a hammock was tied to trees in that area. The posts kind of stand out in areas that were just grass lawns and big trees. In other words, they are kind of ugly, and there are way too many of them. I could be wrong! maybe they will all get used for hammocks! I know the University is trying to get more people to visit the campus's green and garden spaces, installing more benches, summer chairs, and informative signs, I would guess these hammock posts are part of that effort.
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