MSU Development



  • The people who run the MSU Pavilion have apparently had an ongoing fundraiser to help fund a 40k sq ft addition that would give the building a second arena along with some other space, they've raised $1 million of their $4 million goal. When I worked out by MSU I realized that the Pavilion hosts fairly large events with some frequency, it's one of the many (mostly university-related) things that has helped drive the hotel growth on the east side of the metro area so any investment there is worth paying attention to.

  • On my walk today I was surprised to find Farm Lane all repaved with new lane markings leading up to the old bridge which is open for traffic. I guess this project is happening in phases. I was up the street so I did not see if the pedestrian bridge was finished, I think it will be soon. Also, in downtown East Lansing Collingwood Drive project has also finished and been reopened.
  • edited August 2023
    Ah, the page for this on their website says the actual bridge will be reconstructed in 2024. I guess they are doing it this way to minimize the disruption during much of the school year.
  • Thanks I see that was the plan now.
  • A few items of note in MSU's 5 year capitol outlay request to the State:
    -The priority for 2024 is another $120m in funding for the $250m new Engineering and Digital Innovation Center
    -A significant renovation to the MSU Auditorium ($31-$55m)
    -$120-$150m in renovations/additions to the Clinical Center
    -A "child development laboratory" in Lansing, cost TBD
    -Aquatic research facility renovation/addition ($30-$36m)
    -Additional Duffy Daugherty Building renovations/addition ($40-$43m)
    -$22m in Renovations to Jenison plus mention of an $60m+ "Olympic Sport/Multi-Purpose Arena" in the "additions/renovations" section, it seems likely that this is also Jenison.
    - Comprehensive renovations at Kresge Art Center ($52-$56m)
    - Renovations/additions to Plant and Environmental Sciences ($90-$120m)
    - New chemical waste facility ($40m)
    - New multipurpose arena for intercollegiate athletics (this is separate from the other arena mentioned... $75-85m)
    -Complete renovations to Old Botany and Yakeley/Gilchrist Hall (~$14m/$40m respectively) Outlay Request.pdf
  • Crazy, seems like so much money in that budget
  • Higher education truly is big business these days
  • It looks like the reconstruction of the Farm Lane Bridge is starting up again, there were crews working under the bridge today and signs up noting the road will be closed as of 12/18. Up the street the new student center is taking shape and looks large in its space.
  • Crews were using huge cranes and cement cutters to pull up the main center spans of the Farm Lane Bridge today, interesting to watch for all you sidewalk supervisors out there.
  • A small new project announced out at MSU: A packaging school expansion that will relocate the satellite dish farm south of the existing building to make way for an addition that will double their current space. The addition will cost $25 million and is expected to break ground in 2025.
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