MSU Development



  • I noticed the glass facade of the new student International Center is going up. it looks very nice. the support walls of the Farm Lane bridge look nice as well, it has been interesting to see this construction so closely.
  • Avoiding Michigan Ave I traveled down Harrison and saw a very large crane and many steel beams already standing at the new Student Wellness Center site. It is going to be a very large building.
    Over at the Farm Lane bridge project the walls on both banks have now been poured, in what seems like a very fast process, they take the form walls down the day after pouring the cement. I wonder if they will let the students cover the new walls with graffiti, it looks like there will be banks of plantings between the walls and the sidewalk underpass. When they were tearing down the old walls it reminded me of the Berlin Wall covered with graffiti coming down. I suppose that it will be impossible to keep the "art" off the new walls. Yesterday they were pouring the cement for the sidewalk underpass. The space was full of water, and they displaced the water by pouring in the cement. There is only one sidewalk on the north side. It has been interesting to see this process up close.
  • I have been wondering if anyone knows why there is a temporary traffic signal in front of Sparty. It has been there for several weeks, but I cannot figure out why. They did put in new sod in front of Sparty but that is the only "construction" going on in that area.
  • @gbdinlansing I believe it's just there to improve traffic flow over the Red Cedar River while the Farm Lane bridge is out.
  • Yes it was kind of funny as I found the answer, which is because the Farm Lane is closed, right after I posted the question. I think this machine can now answer questions before I ask them!
  • Today's Farm Lane Bridge update, crews were putting into place prefabricated spans that cross the whole river. They were put into place by the largest crane I have seen. Very cool to watch.
  • They took out the temporary signal in front of Sparty, which makes it a bit easier to go over to Kalamazoo Street to get downtown from EL. Also better for the student's Cap and Gown shots with the statue!
  • MSU has erected cyclone style fencing around Campbell Hall, I am hoping it is just temporary as it is not attractive to look at. I'm thinking they are going to do some work on the dorm.
  • Thanks for the information, this plan sounds exciting. I hope the window replacements will be historically correct.
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