MSU Development



  • Today I walked up to check on the Farm Lane Bridge and a there was an opening ceremony going on and I believe I saw the university's president drive over the bridge in a green and white '70's Cadillac convertible. After watching this construction almost daily it was cool to see the official opening. The students are returning soon so get a look at it while still shiny and new!
  • edited September 2024
    There are multiple items of note in the upcoming Board of Trustees meeting... lease - Child Development Laboratory.pdf
    -Authorizing a lease with the City of Lansing for ~15,000 sq ft of space for a "Child Development Laboratory" similar to existing ones in EL and Haslett. Lease for MSU Foundation.pdf
    A ground lease for 5 acres in the Crescent Rd/Harrison area to the MSU Foundation to build a "multi-tenant, multi-use building" that will also house their headquarters. Planning Study.pdf
    Authorizing a planning study for a 14 acre project at the NE corner of Harrison & Trowbridge that would include a 4,000 seat arena for olympic sports. From the resolution: "The remainder of the project site will be developed to enhance the arena and could include buildings to support academic programs, a hotel to augment the Kellogg Center, mixed-use retail/office/housing,
    market rate housing and parking to serve the site" and Environmental Science Building2.pdf
    And finally, an authorization to proceed on the new Plant and Environmental Sciences building. The 208k sq ft building at the NE corner of Farm & Wilson will now be budgeted at $200 million with completion expected in January 2027.
  • Trying to figure out where the child development lab would be in Lansing.
    As for the MSU Foundation, that's interesting. Techsmith is already there, so it looks like they are trying to create a district. I do like that the uni is finally doing something with all that land along Harrison. Because, for awhile, it looked like they didn't have any real vision besides demolition and greenfields.
  • Yeah, both of the projects along Harrison are exciting and could really change the look of that whole area. A lot of potential change coming fairly quickly.

    I was also wondering where that child development lab could be, the agenda text doesn't give much of a hint. I have no idea what 15k sq ft space the city has that might be appropriate. Maybe in the new public safety building? Much less likely, but possibly at the new city hall site? Maybe the lease will really end up with LSD? Regardless, seems like a positive thing to have in the city.
  • edited September 2024
    there's an updated PDF for the PESB portion of the BOT meeting. I really don't like this design. It's brick heavy and very brown looking. A building like this should emphasize the color green IMO or anything but red brick. Wilson road will be a road way of red brick fortress-like buildings w/ 1 or 2 exceptions.

    MSU has been known to change things up at the end so I'm hoping that happens here. and Environmental Science Building3.pdf
  • edited September 2024
    I like brick; these buildings needn't look temporary and slapped together like so many of them do, these days.
  • @P2005 Thanks for posting the updated pdf, it's nice to see the rendering of the Farm Ln facade. I still like this design myself, although the Farm Ln frontage is more bland than I expected. I'm generally fine with red brick, it's timeless and reasonably affordable. Thankfully MSU has been good about having a variety of architecture without getting too eclectic, it looks though you'll get something more to your taste with the new medical building and possibly the digital innovation building. Not to mention the recent football building along with the currently under construction student wellness center and multicultural center.
  • @hood - no problem. BTW, thanks for your posts/pics on here and the skyscraper page. Your posts keep me updated so I hope you continue to spread the economic development joy! I live in downtown Chicago so i never get to see Lansing/MSU in person that much anymore. You take a lot of great pics from good angles - appreciate it!
  • Has anyone already mentioned this? I don't think I'd seen anything about it...I don't pay for Crain's so I don't get much more than the headline.
  • edited September 2024
    Yes, it's what we've been talking about in the thread since Tuesday. Looks at Hood's post detailing all of this near the top of the page.
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