BTW, does anyone know the exact address of this new structure? I'm sure it's in city documents but it would take forever to look through. Aslo, has anyone heard anything about Stonehouse Village II?
Looking a lot more substantial then it did last I saw it two months ago. I wanted to get more pictures but by the time I finally got near the building my battery was dead.
Thanks for the photos, there really are a lot of "turret" looking things at the top of the building. It makes for a more interesting roof than the next door Stonehouse Village 1.
I really like its placement in the emerging downtown skyline. It's a perfect height for that area. Between City Center and Stonehouse Village, as well as East and West Villages, we're going to be seeing a very interesting transformation of downtown East Lansing into a downtown that finally fits the actual size of East Lansing and MSU.
Downtown East Lansing is one of the few places where I actually agree with some type of height limit. I hope it really doesn't get some height. There really is no need for anything beyond say 12 stories in downtown EL, and both downtown East Lansing and Lansing serve different interest and should continue to.
I was talking about modest height anyways, anything 6-12 floors would be nice to see, of course I'd much rather see it in downtown Lansing over EL given a choice.
BTW, does anyone know the exact address of this new structure? I'm sure it's in city documents but it would take forever to look through. Aslo, has anyone heard anything about Stonehouse Village II?