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  • So frustrating! It would have been so great to have the headquarters in downtown EL or on Mich Ave. between the two downtowns...it would have made such a great addition to Mich. Ave. and could easily have been a seed for concentrated development tha…
  • Construction is far along for the restaurant inside the City Market, significantly more work has to be done, but it's coming along.
    in Marketplace Comment by micro May 2010
  • Wild Beaver Saloon is up and running and this Friday and Saturday downtown was hopping. The weather probably played a part, but there was tons of foot traffic and people around downtown. Geno's Pizzeria (former Menna's Joint) was busy till close on …
  • I think something like CVS or Wallgreens would do well. They both carry a decent amount of groceries and other products that nothing else supplies downtown. The pharmacy part wouldn't do well though, not sure how that would impact the success. I tal…
  • That would be awesome. However, I remember Townsend saying he was shelving Kalamazoo Gateway to focus on Ottawa and Butler. I doubt the current financial market would allow him to do both soon after eachother. So unless he's done a 180 and is focusi…
  • I wonder what effect this will have on the adjacent buildings to the west on Washtenaw. Will they be razed, left in their current state, etc.?
  • Absolutely great news! This and the AF building are putting downtown Lansing on a solid upward trajectory. In my opinion, this was the last building in downtown that absolutely needed to be redeveloped.
  • I agree Hood, a good sign from an external investment in downtown. What I'm excited about is that as Tavern moves down the street, the 200 block of Washington Sq. is going to be a net zero change in numbers of bars. This is important for me because …
  • I was pretty disappointed myself. Today the sign is fully exposed, it's the "Wild Beaver Saloon." The awnings are sheet metal a dark brown almost black facade. Not the greatest look, but I think much better than before.
  • I don't know how to upload pictures but the old Kell'ys and Byblo building rennovation and facade update we all hated has taken an interesting change. There is wood in place for awnings and it's been painted and finished to look alot better than it …
  • They are very new, the picture "editcropDSC_0370" has the fully assembled crane at the AF parking garage site.
  • Grand Ave. downtown is closing between Ottawa and Shiawassee from now till July for a streetscape project. http://apps.cityoflansingmi.com:8000/newsevents/releases/Grand%20Ave%20Start%20of%20construction%203-31-1020497.pdf
  • That's great...it looks like at the highest point it will be a little above the building directly to the south for comparison. I don't have the background to really know, but it seems at this point the final building will be pretty much spot on to…
  • Also important to remember, the Lansing City Market project is built, the GR City Market project is a proposal. So even if there is something to be discouraged by in this, I'd wait till it actually is built before having a reaction. The Lansing prop…
    in Marketplace Comment by micro March 2010
  • That's dissappointing. I was there on Sunday afternoon just strolling and there were people around, mostly walking along the riverwalk.
  • Just sent in my nomination for Lansing to Google. Good luck Lansing! How much do you think being Larry Page being from Lansing will help? The LSJ editorial recently didn't think it would, but even if it's small I still think it will help some. If L…
  • How about converting the Knapp's building into a casino? A midrise hotel could be built on the Cooley Law School parking lot to the south of it. At any rate, I agree Hood, I think it's an exciting prospect.
  • The S. Washington Sq. building that contained the former Kelly's location and recently had a facade rennovation now has a sign up but is covered with tarp. The sign extends perpendicular from the facade and has writing in neon lights. With the tarp …
  • Actually, I did a word search for "comp" as far back as October on this forum and there's been no mention of what was going in there at all, and no article was posted. In fact, you can see your post back in December about this below. CommentAuthor…
  • Sorry to inundate the board with smaller stuff, I'm not sure if people find these things interesting or not. However, Tin Can, the new bar by Harem's has a pretty cool permanent sign above their entrance that hangs out.